•|• Part 7 •|•

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     Bokuto and Akaashi were sitting on a hill watching as the sun went down and stars started popping up into the Ombre of yellow, orange, and red sky. Bokuto slowly took the same  dark red box that he showed Hinata, from his pocket. Okay, you got this Bokuto, just say Will you marry me, Bokuto took a deep breath as he got the ring out of his pocket.

    “Hey Bo-” Before Akaashi could finish his sentence he saw Bokuto with a red face and on one knee next to him.

    “Bokuto?” Akaashi whispered.
    “Akaashi, I love you and you know that, but I love you so much and I want a future with you. We have been together for so long I might forget some day but that’s why I want this so then I will always know that I’m yours and you’re mine. So, Keiji Akaashi, will you marry me,” Bokuto asked as his face was still red.

     Bokuto looked at Akaashi in the eyes as Akaashi did the same. Akaashi smiled and hugged Bokuto.

     “Yes, I would love that more than anything,” Akaashi said as he let go of Bokuto and put the ring on his finger.

“I was so scared i don’t know what I would do if you said no,” Bokuto laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck.

     “Well you don’t have to,” Akaashi gave Bokuto a warm smile that almost killed Bokuto, or pretty much anyone he would give that smile to. Bokuto then pulled his phone and texted the groupchat.

     “Bokuto, what are you doing?” Akaashi laughed at how childish Bokuto looked.
     “O-oh, I just wanted to tell the others real quick,” Bokuto whispered, feeling a little embarrassed. Akaashi chuckled and kissed Bokuto’s cheek.
     “It’s alright, you can text them,” Akaashi told Bokuto.

                                                            Wedding Planners

Guess who's going to get married! :D

    Bokuto texted for about a minute then put his phone away and continued their date.
After their date Bokuto walked Akaashi to his apartment hand in hand. They had small talk about planning the wedding and what the future could be like for them.

When they finally arrived at Akaashi’s apartment building, they said their goodbyes but, with a passionate kiss, then Bokuto headed to his own apartment.

     Akaashi was walking up the stairs to get to his apartment. While walking up his phone buzzed in his pocket letting him know that he got a text, but it went off twice. I took out his phone to see that he got two text messages. The first one he saw was Bokuto’s so of course he had a smile on his face. He then looked at the other one, It was from Kuroo. He did expect Kuroo to text him. Kuroo usually waits for Akaashi to tell him that he’s done with his dates with Bokuto but this time he texted first.

     Oh, that was faster than I thought. But something in Akaashi made him sad about the text that Kuroo sent.

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