•|• Part 18 •|•

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Kuroo was tapping his fingers on his steering wheel to the music playing in his car. He takes a turn to an apartment building and pulls into a parking space. Kuroo pulls out his phone and starts texting.


I'm outside ;)

Finishing up I'll be there soon

Ok ;)

What's with that face?

what face?

;) This one

You'll see later ;)

Kinda scared to


Kuroo was going to put his phone down but instead he pulled up someone else's chat.


Hey how's my favorite

Oh hey kuroo!!
I'm good, how are you?
Wait a minute
What do you need

I just wanted to say
Hi can't I do that?

Yeah ok
What do you need

Alright fine
I just need
You to hang out with

I mean he already asked
Me to come over
But why do you need me to?

I'm going out and I don't
Want him to know

Are you doing something bad or good?


Before Kuroo could finish texting Hinata he hear his car door open.
"Hey," Akaashi smiled with a little wave as he sat down in Kuroos car.
"Hey, how's it going," Kuroo replied back with a smirk and wink. Akaashi rolled his eyes to that.
"So you're doing it in person too," Akaashi laughed a little at Kuroos actions.

The Kuroo started to drive out of the parking lot and on to a road.
"So, where are we going?" Akaashi asked while on his phone.
"To a place," Kuroo replied keeping his eyes on the road.
"Um, ok but what is this place?" Akaashi ask still looking at his phone.
"A fun place," Kuroo keep a stairght face while looking ahead.
"So you're not going to tell me where we are going. For all I know you could be taking me to a place and murder me," Akaashi said taking his eyes off of his phone and looking over to Kuroo.
"Wow you figured it all out now I gotta be fast with this otherwise you might run away," Kuroo looked over and flashed Akaashi a smile before looking back at the road.
"Ok but where are we going?" Akaashi laughed and looked at the road ahead of then as well as Kuroo.
"It's what you said," Kuroo replied.
"Come on," Akaashi rolled his eyes getting a little annoyed.
"I'm not telling you anything. Its a surprise," Kuroo told Akaashi and smiled.
"Fine," Akaashi finally gave up.

The two had small talk but it was pretty quiet for the rest of the ride. They had music playing quietly well they talked.

After an hour long drive Kuroo had stopped the car.
"We're here," Kuroo said turning off his car and taking off his seat belt.
"Where is here?" Akaashi asked looking around as he took off his seat belt as well.
"We have to walk a bit," Kuroo said opening his door and going to his trunk.
"Ok if you are actually going to murder me I'm going to call the cops," Akaashi said grabbing his phone.
"Don't worry it'll be quick and painless," Kuroo joked grabbing a basket with a blanket on top of it.
"Awww are we having a picnic date," Akaashi asked in awe.
"You'll see," Kuroo smiled at Akaashi and put out his hand for Akaashi to grab. Akaashi grabbed his hand and let Kuroo gide him.

Kuroo stopped suddenly and turned to Akaashi.
"Ok, you have to close your eyes and no peaking. Ok?" Kuroo said looking into Akaashis eyes.
"Ok, just don't kill me," Akaashi said and put his hands over his eyes.
Kuroo walked behind Akaashi and put his hands on Akaashis arms and started walking him up a hill. There were some trees but not as many where it's a forest.

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