"You know, you haven't changed one bit. For a second, I thought you might have. I started to think, maybe you were worth my time. I guess I was wrong."

"And yet, you're still here."

"For Henry. Not you. As far as I'm concerned, you can stay the hell away from both of us."


David and Emma entered, carrying their guns to make sure that everything was clear.

"It's okay. She's not here," Emma informed and Henry and Mary Margaret entered.

"When you find her, you're not gonna hurt her, right?" Henry asked.

"No. We just want the beans she stole from us."

"I don't get it. Why would Regina leave her office unlocked?" Mary Margaret questioned.

"Especially when she's keeping the beans here," David added as they walked over to a small plant that the beans should have been growing on.

"Was keeping them here. They're gone."

"Something's not right. Regina would never leave evidence like this behind," Emma commented.

"Maybe she already used them to portal out of Storybrooke," David guessed.

"Without Henry? I don't think so."

Henry frowned. "What if something bad happened to her?"

"Security system says the last time someone was in the office was around 6:00 this morning." She pressed a key to reveal the system was overridden. "They used an override code to get in."

"Why would Regina need an override code on her own alarm?" David inquired.

"She wouldn't."

"You think someone else broke in and took the beans?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Well, we haven't found Regina anywhere and haven't heard from her."

"So something bad did happen to her," Henry said.

"We're gonna find her, Henry. I promise."

"There's only one person who could overpower Regina," Mary Margaret stated.

"Gold," David confirmed.

"He's too busy with his new/old girlfriend," Emma replied. "No, this wasn't Gold. This was Tamara."

Mary Margaret looked at her daughter. "Haven't you already gone down that road?"

"Maybe not far enough."

"Or, maybe it's time for you to let it go."

"August was attacked the day Tamara came to town. I don't think that was a coincidence."

"What if you're wrong? If Regina's in trouble, we can't just drop everything else because of a hunch," David told her.

"Which is why we're not gonna drop everything else. Go to Gold. I'm sure he has some kind of  that can help locate Regina."

"Where are you going?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Back to Tamara's room."


Tamara entered and found Greg waiting for her in front of a window into the next room over, through which Regina was seen strapped down to a table talking to Hook and Jackie.

"Did you get into her office?" Greg asked.

"Have I ever let you down?" Tamara shot back. "Look what I found." She showed him a pod full of magic beans.

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