Chapter 9

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Note 15, 18th August 2010

It seems like my memory has gotten worst.

I have been in LA for a year now, dated a guy for a few months but we have broken up because i work too much.

and I am too stress out and forgetful.

if only people knew.

- chels.

reminder to self, jersey numbers are 16. i am the basketball and soccer captain.

"I hope Chelsea is ok, if she's not, I am gonna go over and kill you." Cali says over the phone.

Luke rolls his eyes, "she's ok. We're meeting Alex and Bailey in Paris so don't worry about it."

"We're going to take flight soon, bye." Luke quickly says and hung up.

He looks over at Chelsea who is looking out of the window as the plane sped up.


Chelsea and Luke reached Paris the next day, both of them slept in for a day and head out in the night where fans starts to ask for pictures and autographs.

Chelsea stood in front of the Eiffel Tower, holding Luke's hand.

Luke watches her as her eyes sparkle, "are you hungry?" He then ask.

"Yeah, I guess." She simply shrug.

Note 16, 5th September 2010

touring in Europe is fun. till i landed in Paris.

the boys were living next door to me, hearing some weird stuff but it's normal.

i then saw Luke in the lobby, when I am walking out to the car.

i still love you, Luke Hemmings. You made me felt something that I didn't felt before.

/ chels.

"Did we do any songs together?" Chelsea ask, laying beside Luke on the bed.

"Yeah, mostly cover songs but it wasn't broadcast." Luke replies.

"Why don't we do one live?"

Luke raises his eyebrows in surprise, "ok."

"You know where are we going tomorrow?" Luke ask with a sly smile on his face.

"We're driving to London. You own a cosy apartment there." Luke says.

"And then we go to Miami where you own a nice beach house, we're gonna stay there for a while till your tour is about to start." Luke says in a low tone, leaning his forehead against hers.

Chelsea have her eyes shut, "I don't know why, but I just feel safe around you." His lips grazes over hers.

The thunder claps, making Chelsea jump a little. Images flashed in her head, Chelsea let out a nervous chuckle.

"I will go close the windows," Luke says, getting up from the bed.


The two step into London Eye. Chelsea is excited, her hand slipping out of Luke's. She walk over the edge as it started to move.

She held onto the bar, Luke stood at the side, taking picture of the view and her back.

He went on twitter, captioning it with love.

He then goes on Instagram, feeling happy that he just gets to be with Chelsea even though she isn't herself.

It's a slow, painful process for the both of them.

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