Chapter 2

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Luke Hemmings

"Erm, Hemmings." Cali placed a box in front of me, "this is all written notes by Chelsea ever since she was 15. Apparently she had been going to doctors since that age, and... You just need to read it with her."

Cali pass it to me, "why can you read it with her?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Because you're her boyfriend and she needs you right now. There's a Chelsea in her room trying to remember and-"

"Ok! I think Luke gets it, you dramatic bitch." Diana cuts Cali off.

I grab the box and walk up to the lounge room, "hey chels."

Chelsea turns around from the television and smiled.

"So I want you to take this box." I awkwardly started off.

"It's filled with your notes, and I think it can help you with your memory loss." I sat beside her.

There is snacks and her drink around her, she took the box from me and open it.

The first thing we saw was a big giant paper; Dear me, to help my future self :-) - 15 years old Chelsea.

Chelsea took the paper off saw the more boxes with a lot of notes in it, it is all organized by dates and her age.

It stopped at 21.

She took out the first note.

May 8 2008

I went to the therapist today. cause I dropped out of school and mom was worried so she sent me to the therapist.

Anyway, i have nothing wrong with me at all. it's just Dad and Stephanie.

but I am fine and there's nothing to worry about. - chelsea.

She takes out the second one.

May 20 2008

Luke came over today. He didn't saw me in a while. I felt like I needed to distant myself from everybody to cover my bruises that I got from fighting.

i don't know what to do, I am just 15.

Working in the diner was hard this few days. People keep coming in to ask why I am not in school anymore, they don't need to know the reason.

I dropped out of school because it's just not what I want to do. There's no courses I can get through high school to college and get a steady job, I am nothing.

maybe I will work in the diner for the rest of my life and have 7 dogs, 7 cats and a raccoon. -chelsea.

I smiled, and look at Chelsea- who is also smiling.


"Hey how's the note reading going?" Diana approach me with skittles in her hands.

"She ate her medicine and fell asleep." I simply reply.

"I feel like we should get out of the city." Ashton says.

"Oh yeah, we should all go out to the mountains." Cali says.

"Chelsea owns a beach house and a cabin out there." I told them.

"Chelsea loves surfing," Cali snaps her fingers.

"Why not go to both? I mean it's going to be long when her memory comes back." Diana points out.

Her tongue is orange.

"We will go to the beach house first, we made amazing memories there." Cali grins.

"We will go there for a while and then we will go to the cabin, where I don't know where it is..." Diana furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"Uh it's like more into the mountains, she likes to ride motorcycles dangerously so she rides her bikes there." I replied.

"And you approve that?" Diana then raise her right brow.

"Oh come on, that's not the craziest thing she's done. That's actually normal Chelsea."

"Who sometimes get injured... A lot." I added, muttering.


"I have a lot of black clothing." Chelsea murmurs, pulling out her black duffel bag.

"So I am going to ask you a question, its a little personal but, you are my boyfriend so... Am I virgin?" Chelsea ask curiously.

Aw she's cute with her curious face.

"Maybe there's some notes on that.. Like you should really go through all." I put my hand to my chin.

She looks at me, "is there something you're hiding from me?"

"Nothing, nope, bye."

Note 3, June 10 2008

ugh I can't wait for summer to be over, there's so many annoying people in the diner and I want to go to surfing so badly but I just don't have the time :-(

but I don't see my Dad around anymore and I am relieved. Mom and Grandma are just cruising around while I am here, having to take care of my young siblings because I am the oldest. I have to suffer because I am the oldest. I have do everything because I am the oldest.

and I had to go to the doctor's today, my mom urge me to go as I kept forgetting things lately.

turns out I have a problem, due to my emotional deep past, it affects my mind.

because of my depressed state right now.

but I am not depressed.

I am just really really sad.


"Hey," I check up on Chelsea.

"What are you doing?"

"Not checking on you every 5 minutes." Chelsea retorted.

"Chelsea, the last time I check on you was 2 hours ago." She put her book down and look at me, "oh." She mutters out.

"I guess I lost track of time."

"But I need to ask you about my personality." Chelsea says.

"Well, you love motorcycles, boxing, metallic music, you're very vulgar sometimes too. And you're a good kisser, and yeah that's it." I mumbled.

Chelsea laughs, "I don't know what's all that about but ok."

It means I miss your lips on mine.

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