Chapter 7

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Note 12, 31 December 2008

well the last day of the year.

I hope tomorrow will be a good start :-)

this bloody year is too much.

// chels x.

Chelsea did indeed get her memory back, well only the bad ones.

The boys walk in, finding the crew scattered around the stadium.

Chelsea all the way at the top, sitting alone with some sticky notes and a pen in her hand.

She sticks a paper on the empty chair next to her, "chelsea was here :-) x"

She then begin writing random stuff and pasting on each of the chairs.

Then she heard the speakers turn and someone clearing their throat.

"Erm Chelsea Drew Smith, this songs are for you." Luke awkwardly says and the music started off.

You Walked in
Everyone was asking for your name
You just smiled and told them "trouble"

"Cause you are a badass." Calum laughs into the microphone.

Call me lucky 'cause in the end
I am a six and she's a ten
she's so fit, I'm insecure
but she keeps coming back for more

The first song, End Up Here finishes and Chelsea sat on the stairs.

"Luke, how do we know Chelsea is even here?" Ashton ask, looking down at him.

"Oh she is. She's just somewhere in the stadium... As usual."

Chelsea smiles at Luke's replies, she then stood up and wave her hands with bright yellow sticky notes in her hands.

"Told you." Luke smiles.

"Next song is called Heartache On The Big Screen." Luke says nervously.

"This song was played when you were 19 because Luke was really scared when a lot of our guy friends started crushing on you." Michael says quickly, making Ashton to laugh and start the music immediately before Luke could respond.

This ain't a movie that I wanna see
A tragic story, starring you and me
tell "cut", we're stuck inside this scene
this is heartache on the big screen
the clock is ticking, and I forgot my lines
my script is ripped and now I see


"If You Don't Know goes way back when we were 18, we finally met one another after two years. But that song doesn't matter because it's kinda of sad but not for this song that goes way back when you were 16." Calum says.

"heartbreak girl."

"Because you know Luke was in love with you and you're clearly in love with him but you're so blind that you couldn't see. But you guys Ended Up Here." Calum smiles cheekily.

When Chelsea finally got down, and found Luke by the food.

"Hey." Chelsea smiles at him. "Oh Chels! So do you remember anything?"

Chelsea bite down her bottom lip, deciding whether to lie or not. She feels like she doesn't to disappoint the boys, they put on a show just for her so she could remember but she can't remember anything.

"I am sorry." Was all that Chelsea could say.

"It's not your fault, it just takes more time." Luke leans down and place a soft kiss on her forehead.

Note 12, 7th September 2009

sorry for not writing in after like 9 months, I am 16, performing in arenas.

my memory has gotten worst, I had been going to therapy (again).

it's not like I have a choice.

Ever since Mom passed away, I literally dragged myself to therapy. I feel like I need it.

But then I couldn't go so people won't think that I have a problem and such.

For the past few months, it has been pretty crazy. I fell in love with Luke Hemmings.

I guess we're together- I mean the media says we are- ok we are.

it's an amazing feeling to be with him.

i don't want to leave his side.

// chels xx

... ironic how I said that huh? now I am 17 turning 18 in a few more months. I will never understand why I left. but things happen to a reason.

if they are meant to be.

they will eventually find their way back.

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