Chapter 13

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Chelsea Smith

I have been four months pregnant and Bailey's wedding is today.

Like literally, now.

"I am so happy for her." Cali mutters.

"Happy for Bailey? Be happy for Alex. Who knew he could've gotten married?" I say out loud.

"I have ears, chels." Alex glares at me.

"Ladies and Chelsea!" Bailey shouted, everyone laughed.

"It's time to throw the bouquet!" The girls scream and run out to the empty place.

Cali help me up from the chair and we slowly walk over, "girls, step back a little, she's a goalkeeper." Brandon says but the girls are too excited to care.

Bailey is gorgeous in her wedding gown, it's just perfect for her.

"One, two, three!" Bailey threw it back high.

"Told you, bitches." Brandon mutters.

"Brandon." I frown at him.

"Chelsea!" Someone push me forward, "hey!" Lea frowns, holding up my arms.

The bouquet flew right into my hands, "what the fuck." Lea and I mumbled.

"Are you okay?" Luke walk up to me, "yeah, I am fine." I laugh nervously.

"Chelsea got the flower?" Max raises his eyebrows at me.

"Shut up." My cheeks burn.


"I like what Bailey have done with this place." Lea mutters, "why are you out here?" She ask.

There are flowers around, people are taking photos. It's wonderful.

"Because I got the flower." I replied.

Lea laughs, "oh chels. It had been a crazy year. Man, when are you getting married?"

I shot her a look, "i don't know." I mumbled.

- 1 Year Later

"Chelsea Smith back on the soccer field and back on court."

"You bitches watch out, because Chelsea Smith is back."

We all stood on field, ready to receive our medals and the trophy because we came in first.

I see my kids, Evan and Emily.

I see Luke, the love of my life.

The lights in the stadium went out.

"What happened?" Bailey look around the place.

Fireworks appeared in the night sky. "Damn." Bailey murmured.

"Aw it has a red heart." Cali cooed.

After 5 minutes or so, it stopped. The lights went back on.

"Holy crap." I mumbled.

"Cali Johnson, will you marry me?" Brandon got on his knees.

"It's only you and Lea left.. Clary have yet find her guy." Alex murmurs.

"I would never understand the conflict between Brandon, Lea and Michael." I say, ignoring Alex's comment.

"Yeah, I thought Brandon was with Lea. But Lea is with Michael now, but I thought she was with Calum.." Bailey says.

"Whatever, as long as Brandon has his heart set on one girl only." I say in a low tone.

"Or else Cali is gonna crushed him into bits." I muttered.


I lay in bed with Luke next to me, "Lucas."

"I thought you were already asleep." Luke murmurs, turning to face me.

"Uh I just have something on my mind ever since I got my memory back."

"What about it?" He shut his eyes.

"I forgot what to say," I muttered. "But thank you."

He looks at me in the eyes, "can you actually believe it? We were kids that hated each other." I laughed.

"Well you hated me, and I was secretly in love with you." Luke murmurs.

"Can you believe we have kids together though? When we were teenagers, i never thought that this would happen." Luke ask.

"This is the best thing that ever happen to me." He murmurs.

"And I want to do something crazy." He sits up a little and reach out to the night table drawer.

"Chelsea Smith." He held a navy blue box.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "I have love you ever since we were kids. And whatever happened when we were 16, were some crazy stuff."

"Are you serious, Luke?"

"Shush, chels." He clears his throat.

"We met again when we were 18, damn you were gorgeous. Even though you had a swollen ankle and a shitty boyfriend, I never stopped loving you."

"Yeah, I remembered those shitty boys." I mumbled.

"And when you lost your memory, it was much more worst. Because it felt like I was losing you, but I kept in my mind was, Chelsea is still here."

"And- Wait a minute, what happened?" He ask.

"Actually never mind." He clears his throat.

I sat up and smiled at him, "I love you, chels. I am the luckiest man on earth because you're mine."

"Will you marry me?"

"And I know the bed is like literally the worst place to propose." Luke laughs.

I look down at the ring, "you're crazy, Luke Robert Hemmings- Yes!" I tackle him down on the bed.

"You know, I knew you were strong but you are really strong." Luke mutters.

He looks at the box, he is still holding.

"Oh shit, the ring fell out."


"The ring fell out." He repeated. I got off of him and look under the bed.

"We need to dismantle the bed." Luke murmurs.

"Oh lord."

Losing You || Luke Hemmings ||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن