26. Just a dream

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Today was the day of his departure.  And he didn't know that the duke would also come.

Aiden just stood there motionless , as Asher talked to Henry , both of them not knowing that the prince had arrived.

"Remind me who that is again?"

Aiden whispered to Blake who was standing right beside him , also not knowing what to do as the older men gossiped together , looking very serious.

"Your ex father in law....I think....."

Blake whispered back , having a dilemma himself.

Mia sighed as she looked at the two boys from a distance and kicked both men standing beside her.

"Owww..my queen! ..I didn't know you were still so strong after all this time...."

Henry held his foot as Asher just stood there embarrassed.

"That poor boy doesn't know what the hell you two men are thinking!!! And my poor Annette.....you're just keeping her out of this matter!!!!"

She whispered while giving them both a good glare.

"With all my apologies...your majesty....I think you should know that we discussed this very... seriously...and there are going to be no problems at all......how many times do I have to repeat myself!!!"

Henry whispered back.

"Hey!! Tell her!"

He pinched Asher who merely nodded and sighed.

"May I know the topic of your discussion?"

Aiden asked from behind.

"Oh my dear boy..! You shouldn't scare people... sneaking like that!!"

Henry held his chest as he embraced himself from the shock that Aiden might have gotten to know everything just now.

'Well.....not everything but still...'

"I apologize for startling you...."

"It's fine..your highness...his majesty was just joking."

Asher turned to him.

"Right.....I should.....go now..."

"Yes you should. We don't want to make you late.."

Henry quickly started pushing him into the carriage and he was gone in a few seconds.

"God...that was awkward!!"

He shouted.

"Yes....yes it was."

Mia stood beside him.

"I think I should go."

"Oh no...don't you dare..."

Henry stood infront of him.

"Hey.....who told you to address him like that!!! Even I was scared!!"

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