Insert Four

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×××Nomzamo's POV×××

Mom orders food for us, and Zusi walks in carrying the takeaways. She puts everything down on the table fast and we hug. She's like a close friend to me.

Zusi: "Girl angisakwazi."

Me: "It's been a minute bruh." We hug again. She goes to Mom and takes Lando from her.

Zusi: "Sthandwa saDlamini cela ungiphe yena lo."

Mom: "Take her but make sure uMuzi doesn't find you."

Zusi: "wee your husband is very scary thank you." We laugh. Mom's phone rings, and she answers.

Mom: hello



Her face becomes pale before hanging up the call.

Me: "yini mama?" I ask alarmed.

Mom: "I have to go. I need to be at the hospital." She rambles while crying and fiddling around her table as if looking for something and it's like her mind isn't working. I hug her tight, she sobs hard holding me tightly. I calm her down and Zusi hands me a bottle of water, I make her drink the water.

Me: "Now that you're calm, let's go." She nods. I pack her stuff and lock her office then walk to the car. Zusi offers to drive while I carry Lando since Mom is a little bit disoriented.

Zusi: "Which hospital mama?"

Mom: "My husband's practice in Sandton."

Me: "kwenzakaleni?"

Mom: "uNdabe was knocked by a car." She wails. I hold her as she leans on my shoulder. Ndabe has to be fine. When we get there, she immediately runs to reception and asks for information. We get directed to a private waiting area.

Mom: "Nomzamo godusa umntanam, she can't be around these walls." I request an Uber to Morningside, Mom's parents' house. I find Nana cooking and Khulu watching her. We call our grandma Nana by the way.

Me: "San'bonani."

Khulu: "ahhh woza kuMkhulu." I go hug him and give him Lando then hug Nana, I find myself crying in her arms.

Nana: "Yhini mafungwase?"

Me: "uNdabe ushayiswe imoto and she's in hospital."

Nana: "Awu kodwa ingani yami layikhona. How's your mother? I'm sure she's devastated." She asks worriedly.

Me: "I left her in the hospital and I wanted to leave Lando behind so I could be with mah."

Khulu: "Go. We'll come with her tomorrow."

I kiss them goodbye and go back to the hospital. Mom is in Dad's arms when I walk in.

Me: "Any updates?"

Dad: "Yeah. It's bad but she'll recover. She broke an arm and a leg so she also has to go under spine surgery since something was broken." Mom sobs until she gasps for air, we try to calm her down but she faints. She gets admitted almost immediately.

Me: "She'll be okay right?"

He hugs me.

Dad: "Yazi I just realized I've been a bad father to Ndabezinhle." I keep quiet cause it's true.

Dad: "It's true isn't it?"

Me: "Yes Dad and that will only make her hate us forever feeling your love while she's treated like an outcast." He keeps quiet seemingly in deep thoughts. I don't understand why he would even treat her differently.

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