Part 10 | Don't Move

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"Don't move" a voice hissed.

"Not moving" you muttered, opening you eyes. Through your sleepy haze you could see four men standing in your bedroom, all holding a weapon of some sort.

"What the fuck" you muttered, feeling a cold blade pressing against your throat.

"Scream and I'll kill you."

"Do you see me screaming?" You asked, acting amused to hide your racing heart.

There's no way you could get out this alone. With a knife pressed against your neck and three guns trained on you, you were stuck. Then you had an idea.

Loki! If you can hear me I seriously need help, there's four men in my room trying to kill me you said inside your head, attempting to mentally shout. His room was just down the hall, so hopefully it would work.

"So what do you assholes want?" You asked causally, hoping against hope that he had heard you.

"You took the keycard. We need it back" the man snarled.

"Nah" you answered as Loki appeared right beside you.

He stabbed the man with the knife, pulling he blade away from your throat.

"Morning Lokes" you said cheerfully, jumping up and throwing the other men back.

"Morning float, what the hell did you do?"

"I woke up" you answered, grabbing the gun you had in the beside drawer.

"Why do you keep a gun there?" Loki questioned as he knocked one out.

"Well Mr Magic Man, not everyone can summon shit to defend themselves" you answered, darting out of the way as one man began shooting at you.

"Fuck off bud" Loki said, throwing a dagger at the man.


"Shut it float."

The last man started laughing hysterically and began unbuckling something from his belt.

"Y/N!" Loki shouted, grabbing your waist and pulling you out the door. A second later the door was blown off its hinges, hitting the wall across from you as flames spilled out of the room.

You both fell to the floor, Loki rolling over the top of you and shielding you from the remains of the explosion.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Tony shouted as everyone ran out it of their rooms.

"Are you okay?" Loki asked frantically, checking you for wounds.

"Yeah, are you?" You gasped, putting a hand on his cheek. He nodded and took your hand, pulling you up from the floor.

The others ran over to you as the sprinklers set in.

Wanda was freaking out, turning your face this was and that as she checked you for injuries. "Oh sweetie are you okay are you hurt what happened oh my goodness-"

"Wan, take a deep breath" Vision instructed. She nodded and inhaled slowly.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" She asked Loki, taking his face as well and checking for wounds.

He chuckled quietly. "I'm fine Wanda."

"Well there goes my room" you mused, watching a the flames slowly died down. "Oh no!"

"What is it?" Clint asked.

"My poor plants!" You exclaimed. Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Their just-"

"They are my children and they're all dead" you pouted. Loki chuckled quietly.

"Right, we'll this is going to take a while to fix" Tony said as he walked into the room. You followed after him, looking sadly at your plants.

"Ah ha!"

You bent down and picked up your gun, brushing it off. You turned around and showed Loki, grinning proudly.

"Really darling?" He questioned, amused. You nodded and slid it into the waistband of your ruined pyjama shorts.

"So what exactly happened?" Sam asked, looking around at the trashed room.

You and Loki quickly explained, and Bruce set off to upgrade the security system.

"Right. Well since it's 1am in the morning, we're all going to go back to sleep. Y/n you can stay with Loki for a while until we fix this" Steve said.

You looked up at the God uncertainly. "I don't want to intrude, I can stay on the couch in the living room."

Loki rolled his eyes. "Darling it's part of the mission partner thing. If something happens you must look after them. Plus you won't be intruding."

You nodded slowly. "Thank you then."

"Well that was an interesting start to the day" Bucky commented, making everyone laugh.

"Alright, we'll see you all later to figure all this out" Steve said and everyone headed off to their rooms.

You followed Loki down the hall to his room. He pushed open the door and stepped in, waiting for you.

"Wow" you said, looking around. He chuckled.

Everything thing was dark green, gold and black and beautifully furnished.

"How did you-"

"Magic" he said simply, smiling. He waved his hand, sending a shimmer of green down your body.

All soot and the smoke left you. Loki did the same to himself, and he inspected your torn pyjamas.

"Hm" he said thoughtfully before turning to his wardrobe. Reaching inside, he took out a long black button up shirt and held it out to.

You looked at it uncertainly. He sighed and waved his hand, changing you into it.

"Loki I don't want to be a bother" you said meekly as he rolled up the sleeves.

"Darling you are never a bother, so please stop stressing" he replied, smiling at you. "Now, get some sleep" he added, gently pushing you towards the bed. You hesitated.

"Float I will tape you to the bed" he threatened and you laughed, hopping into the dark sheets.

"Thanks bean."

He grinned, sitting beside you on the bed and conjuring a book.

"Aren't you sleeping?" You questioned. He shook his head.

"I don't sleep much."

"Is that how you heard me call out?"

"It was. Quite impressive actually, normally I can only hear a thought when I want to" he replied, rolling onto his stomach.

"In your own words, I am pretty impressive" you quoted, earning a smile from him. "I might steal your bed, it's quite comfortable."

He laughed as you lay down facing him.

"Goodnight- well, morning float."

"Good morning bean."

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