Part 8 | Hair Dye

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You burst through the door, sprinting towards the kitchen. "Fuck fuck fuck" you muttered, running hand through your hair.

"Language" Steve said.

"What going on?" Thor asked as you shot past him.

"I'm going to fucking die that's what!" You exclaimed, turning on your heel and running over to Loki.

He raised a eyebrow at you as skidded to a stop in front of him, panting. "Loki, can I please have a knife?"

"What ever for?"

"Please Loki she's going to kill me."

He smirked and conjured a small dagger, handing it to you.

"Thank Lokes."

You turned around to face the door, holding the blade up in front of you.

"Sweetheart please put the knife down" Wanda said from her spot beside Vision.

"No can do sorry, sixteen is way too young to die."


Nat's yell could be heard throughout at least three floors.

"What did you do?" Bucky questioned as you backed up slowly.

"I may or may not have replaced her shampoo with green hair dye thinking it was Thor's room. When I went to go change it back she was already in the shower" you answered, wincing as you heard the elevator chime.

Nat stormed into the room, her hair dripping wet and bright green. She pointed her gun at you.

"How do I get it out?" She demanded, walking quickly towards you.

You laughed nervously. "It should come out soon enough-"

She clicked a bullet into place.

"Two weeks" you squeaked before turning and running.

"Y/N!" She shrieked, running after you.

"Nat I'm too young to die!" You shouted as she chased you in circles around the room. "I've still got to live my life!"

You sprinted towards the couch that Thor and Loki were sitting on. "I would duck Odinson's!" You called.

"What do you-" Thor started ask before Loki grabbed his arm and pulled him down as you leapt over the top, Nat following close behind.

"Life is highway, I'm gon' ride it all night long" you hummed quietly.

"Really Y/n?? You're singing??" Nat exclaimed, still chasing you.

"Nat you know I sing when I'm stressed! And right now your scaring the shit out of me!"

"Well right now my hair is green and you're telling me that's is going to be like this for TWO WEEKS!" She shouted.

"I'm on the highway to hell-"

"Fitting song" Loki snickered.

"That's why I chose it. Nat don't kill me, I'm too young."

"I think sixteen is the perfect age for a funeral."

"I've still got to experience everything life has too offer! I haven't fallen in love yet, surely you wouldn't kill me before that happens!"

"You underestimate me L/n."

You suddenly had an idea, and it involved the dark haired god right in front of you.

"Loki, sit very still" you instructed, waving your hand as you heard Nat getting ready to shoot. He started floating upwards, staying completely motionless, sitting cross legged in the air.

Doubt It | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now