what did i write??

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[A/N: I'm an idiot. That's it, that's all I'm saying. I'm an idiot.]

It was just a quiet day. Every thing seemed to be relaxing and peaceful. A perfect opportunity for our white hair protagonist. He snuck around and spotted every on the lounge area. This was perfect. He look at his accomplis with a grin.

"You ready Magna?"

The delinquent had a grin and nodded his head. That's was the signal to go. Opening his book Izanagi activated his sound magic and started to play the opening to one of his favorite songs. Every looked so confused. That's when he made his entrance.

"We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no!"

Izanagi was seen entering with an over exaggerated outfit.

"Who the hell is Bruno?"

Asta asked Vanessa who only shrugged. Que manga walking in with an equally obnoxious costume.

"We don't talk about Bruno... But"

Magna took Izanagi's hands and started to do the dance Izanagi showed him.

"It was my wedding"
"It was our wedding day"

Magna chimes in with his part.

"Wait since when? When were you getting married!! "

Asta shouted just getting more confused.

"We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. "

"No clouds allowed in the sky."

The two were running around the base as every one just watched the two idiots do their thing.

"Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin-"


Magna cut Izanagi off. He gave the older a play full grin and got into his face.

"Are you telling the story or am I? "

"I'm sorry, mi Vida, go on~"

Magna apologies with a little flirt.

"Wait I'm so confused."

Charmy said looking between the two as she was eating the popcorn. Vanessa hushed the shorter getting way to invested in the joke.

"Bruno said 'it looks like rain'"
"Why did he tell us"

That continuied.

"Now why did he do that?"

Gordon mumbled.

"In doing so he floods my brain."
"Abuela, get the umbrellas"

"Married in a hurricane"
"What a joyous day... But anyway."

"We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no!"
"We don't talk about Bruno!"

The two sung.

"This is just stupid."

Zora said from his spot on the couch. He was just enjoying the quiet when those two burst in. Next thing they now Izanagi was sitting next to Noelle with an arm over her shoulder. He beckoned everyone to get in closer.

"Hey! Grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling. I could here him muttering or mumbling, I associate him with the sound of falling sand."

Izanagi mad sand falling noises. The group became a little uneasy about this whole thing. Worried expression little each of their faces. Izanagi thout it was funny that they think Bruno was a real person.

"It's a heavy lift, with a gift so humbling. Always left Abuela and the family fumbling. Grappling with the prophecy they couldn't understand. Do you understand?"

With that last verse Izanagi grabs both of Noelle's shoulders makeing her look at the small boy. With a hint of fear she nodded her head. Izanagi jumped up and used his illusion magic to change his look to one of Bruno form the movie.

"A seven foot frame rats along his back. When he calls your name it all fades to black. Yah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your fears, (hey!)"

"We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no! (We don't talk about Bruno,no, no, no!)"

"We don't talk about Bruno (we don't talk about Bruno (we don't talk about Bruno!)

Izanagi did the dance startling a few. Magna also chimed in some where. Out if no where Leopold jumped up from behind the couch with a fish bull and a dead fish.

"He told me that my fish would die the next day: dead! (No, no!)"

Then out from the corner was a random guy they found on the streets.

"He told me I'd grow a gut and just like he said... (No, no!)"

Yami gave an unamused look.

"Why are you guys in my base? Where did you come from?"

Baro kicked the door down.

"He said that all my hair would disappea, now look at my head (no, no! Hey!)"

Yami stared at Baro while taking a puff of his Siggaret.

"Aren't you supposed to be, I don't know, M.I.A?"

The three new comers made a little circle around the group.

"Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read!"

All of a sudden flower petals fell from the ceiling, and as the looked up they saw Magna surrounded by roses. He had the same dress on that Isabella had on with a rose behind his ear. He came down on a flower swing looking all majestic. Every one snickered at him.

"He told me that the life of my dreams would promised, and someday be mine. He told me that my power would grow the grapes that thrive on the vine."

"Oye, Mariano's on his way"

Leopold said prancing around the room throwing flower petals above his head and behind him.

"He told me that the man of my dreams would be just out of reach, betrothed to another. It's like I hear him now."

Izanagi, who ran off long ago, was now walking down stairs he made just a minute ago. He was now Waring a dress like you would see in the shows like Beigerton.

Magna got off his swing and went up to Luck and pointed his finger at him. All while Izanagi was being dramatic in the background.

"Hey sis, I want not a sound out of you (it's like I hear him now)"

"I can hear him now"

Sole kicked a whole in a wall like 'bitch, it's my time to shine!'

"Um, Bruno... Yah, about that Bruno... I really need to know about Bruno... Gimme the truth and the whole truth, Bruno (Magna your boyfriend's here!)"

Izanagi shouted from the door, that was still broken. The group got up to see Augustus Kira Clover XIII coming and doing the walk with his servants.

"Time for dinner!

They all shouted. That's when all hell broke loose. Every one was singing their own verse while joining in on others. It just got so confusing. But it worked.

" he's here!"

"Don't talk about Bruno, no! (Why did I talk about Bruno?)"

"Not a word about Bruno."

"I never should've brought up Bruno!"

With that it was done. Every one was in their own finishing poses. The room was quite and the only thing that could be heard was the heavy breathing of the dancers.  Yami was the first to speak.

"What the hell just happened?"

[A/N I had to much free time to day and it shows.]

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