
After 15 minutes, they both calmed down and Lai was able to tell Sha about what happened at Elijah house.

"You ran out of the house with no shoes?" She asked as Lai wiped her face with the warm rag. She nodded "I had to get out of there. I didn't know what else to do" She sighed.

Sha nodded understanding "Lai you really needa start back journaling" She said. Everyone was pushing her to start back because it helped. She didn't want to and refused to go to therapy because she felt as if she wasn't going to ever trust them.

Her parents suggested she did journaling instead and it worked for her. She wrote her thoughts and daily feelings. She let everything loose in her journal, if she felt a way about Major, she wrote it down. If she was thinking about him or remembering the pain, she wrote it.

She felt like it was a very slow process, but it was working for her. Although she didn't smile as much and was still not herself, she was slowly coming around to getting there.

Her not journaling stops the whole process and pushes her steps backwards and she starts to have nightmares and start to relive the past.

Lai nodded, "I know, I have to get more notebooks since My other one ran outta pages" She sighed and looked down at her phone.

Fat head😭💘
Would like facetime

She shook her head, declining Elijah's call again. He has been calling and texting her no stop but she was too afraid to talk to him now.

"Lai, he's really worried about you. I think you should pick up and at least tell him you're okay" Sha frowned.

Lai shook her head no "I can't, I literally made a fool of myself in front of him. I was screaming like a crazy person, he probably thinks i'm weird now" She said.

She was very embarrassed that she was 21 years old and still having nightmares. She felt like she was too old for that. But it was natural especially after the trauma she experienced.

"No he doesn't" Sha rubbed her arm up and down.

"What if-What if I try to explain it to him and-and he says it's my fault and that I wanted it like everyone else." She started to cry again.

That's all Major's whole family said to her when she said she was going to the police after the second time.

They said she wanted it because she always opened her legs to him which wasn't the whole truth. He put in her head to have the mindset if he wants to have sex, she had to give it to him because he was her boyfriend.

She had never been in a relationship before him so she just listened to what he said.

They wrote the narrative that, that's always how they have sex and she was enjoying it and was just trying to call rape because they were breaking up. They also tried to say she was lying because she was mad he cheated and knew he would go to jail because he is a black man.

They scared her so much, she didn't go to the police. She felt like they wouldn't believe her just like his family and some of his homeboys.

"No he's not! Don't say that" Sha hugged her and she started to cry again. She wanted to believe Elijah would never say that to her but she felt like that's what he would think.

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