Fuck this! I can't just pick everything and move again, not when I found something beautiful. Yes! I have to fight for this. It is worth fighting for. Hunter is worth fighting for. It's time for Clay to have life too. She has Mark now. She is his mate and they are both in love. I don't want to take that away from her.

"You know what?" Clay looks at me as I speak. "Let's not run." I have to make a decision. "I will take this chance. I will take this chance to trust Hunter. If I die, I die. I will not be running anymore. Even if I run from Hunter, I won't be happy, Clay. This time, I want to stay and fight." Clay looks at me and gives me a smile.

"I will fight with you. You know that I do." She places her hand on mine. I smile back.

"I know." My heart beat slowly comes back to normal.

We are going to stay and fight. I have to tell everything to Hunter tomorrow.

"I will speak to Hunter tomorrow." I tell her. She looks at me.

"You can speak to him today if you want. Him and Mark are coming to the house." She starts the car as she speaks.

"I can't believe this. I told him that I need a day to myself."

"You are mated to an Alpha, Angie. You have to put up with that." She shrugs.

"They are here." She says as she opens the door. As soon as she does, I am pulled inside and engulfed in a warm hug. I can hear him sniffing my hair. Lately I have grown used to it. Clay told me it's the wolf thing to smell your mate. I hear the door shut and Hunter pulls away to look at me.

"Hey." I greet him, but it comes out as a whisper. My mind is still confused. But the decision is made. I need to tell him.

"Baby, you can't keep cutting my calls like that. I am going crazy." Hunter speaks as he runs a hand through his hair.

"I am sorry. I just needed time for myself." I put my hand on his chest. "I need to speak to you." He stiffens as soon as I say that. He just nods his head. I turn to go and sit in the couch, but find Clay and Mark kissing. I look at Hunter and can't help but blush.

"You have got to be kidding me."

"Okay, maybe we should go to my room."

"No, Angie." I hear Clay speak. "You guys stay. We are going to go for a run." She is holding Mark's hand. He is just looking at her.

"Take Derek and Kyle with you." Hunter tells them.

"They are here?" I ask.

"Yeah, they are just guarding the house." He looks at me. "I am sorry. You weren't picking up your phone. How would I know if something happens to you?" He asks and I sigh.

"Come." Clay orders and Mark follows her. I can't help but smile.

"Luna." He greets and they are both out of the door.

"They are both so cute together." I say as we walk to the couch. Hunter sits first and pulls me down on his lap. I try to make myself comfortable.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" He asks as he holds me close.

I wet my lips and think about whether I should tell him or not My heart is beating fast. He looks at me with concern. He kisses my cheek and pushes my hair back. His hand is on my cheek.

"I can hear your heart beat rising, Angel. Don't worry. You can tell me anything." I stare into his eyes. "I am here to protect you." Those words increase my strength. I have to trust him. I have to tell him.

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