Baby Fever

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Davina's POV

"go faster!" I giggle

"Davina I don't think you can go any higher princess" Ace chuckles

It's currently Friday and all our friends are getting ready to go to a party but Ace and I didn't feel like going so we ended up going to the park.

Ace pushes me on the swings and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach every time I swing towards to sky. My hair flys with the wind as my laughs flow through the air.

I feel so happy.

"Okay baby I'm tired of pushing you, and I think that little boy over there wants to get on." Ace sighs grabbing onto the swing chains to stop the swing.

I look over to see what little boy Ace was referring to and I see this cute chubby little boy who can't be older than 4.


"OH MY GOD ACE, He so fucking cute!" I squeal

"look at his rosy chubby cheeks and little short legs! I wanna squeeze his cheeks so bad!" I beamed

The little boy has beautiful tan skin, amazing curls, long eyelashes, and did I mention his chubby cheeks?!?!

"Ya he's fucking adorable" Ace gushes

"I think he's coming over" I whisper

"Can I pwease ush the swing!" The toddler mutters with a pout on his face

He clearly cants fully pronounce his words but it sounds so darn adorable!

I don't even notice a parent with him.

"Of course, handsome" I beam

He smiles with a hint of blush on his cheeks and walks over to the swing. Since he's so short he struggled to get up on the swing.

"Do you need help?" Ace asks

"No, I got it!" The kid says with a determined look on his face

I chuckle at his stubbornness.

He struggles a bit long then finally gives a letting out an aggressive huff then looks at Ace.

"Can you hewp me pwease." the kid whispers

"Sure" Ace chuckles

Ace grabs under the kids' underarms and lifts him up on the swing.

"Now will you swing me!" The kid asks with a glist of hope in his beautiful hazel eyes

"pwease" He whispers

"Sure buddy"

I watch as Ace pushes the kid in the air and the little boy screams in joy.  I listen as their laughs flow through my ears.

"HIGHER" The kids laugh

Ace does as told and swings him higher till the kid gets ready to get off.

The kids finally get bored of the swing and tell Ace to stop pushing, So now the kid just kicks his feet back and forth on the bench we decide to sit on.

"Weres your mom?" Ace ask before I could

"I don't know, I rwan off when I saw swings," The kids say innocently

"You can't just run away from your parents" I chuckle

He just huffs and shrugs his shoulders.

"Whats your name?" I ask

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