Fuck you ace.

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*not edited*
Davinas Pov.

It's been about a week since the closet sex...

Need to try that more.

Shut up.

No,I'm being seri-


Things have been the same but one thing that's been pissing me off is....

You guessed it,emma.

Fucking bitch keeps flirting with my boyfriend right in front of me but he's too oblivious too notice.

I don't understand how he doesn't notice when he use to flirt with girls all the time and vise versa.

But Im trying to brush is off but the next thing she does that pushes my bottons im gonna slap the fuck out of her....

Didn't think I would actully have to do it...
Its my free period and Ace told me to meet him at his locker so here I am walking to him locker.

He should be walking to me tf....

I round the corner and I see Ace and Emma.

Oh my fucking gosh.

As soon as I get a good look at them. I end up wishing I never came to meet Ace at all.

"What the fuck"I mutter to myself

Their lips are locked...

Their lips are touching

The lips that should only be on mine are now on hers...

I better be fucking dreaming.

I pinch myself just to make sure I'm not in some dream that I would wake up and yell at Ace about.. agian.

It's real...

I start storming up to them and once I reach them I shove Emma away from him and slap her. Not just slapped I back hand slapped the bitch like I've been wanting to do since she first stepped foot into this school

She falls to the floor with tear in her eyes

Good. Yea cry at my feet bitch.

"What the fuck!" I shout looking between Ace and the bitch on the ground

I know she kissed him first and all but it still happened this is all fucked up.

First he hang out with a girl that isn't me, a girl that FLIRTS with him

Then when I confront him about it he just brushed me off

And now this. They where being all close at his locker that he told ME to meet him at not HER.

Ugh I can't even say her name right now.

Why does everything always go to shit.

Who knows where this is going to but me...

This will probably lead me to another depression episode and more mental break downs.

Fuck I need weed and 20 shots.
Aces Pov


Fuck,This was not supposed to happen..

"Wait baby I did not mean for that to happen..."

Fuck,The look on her face right now is making me want to blow my brains out.

"T-this is not what you think I swear."


A single tear drops from her eyes but from how fast she whipped it away I could have missed it.

She turned around walking away saying nothing.

"Come on babe it's not what it looks like I swear!" I say running after her

"Then what we're you guys doing just sucking eachothers faces off huh?" She laugh but I knew it's wasn't a real one

"You know I told you I didn't want you around her and how I didn't feel comfortable with you around her yet you just brushed me off like I was fucking delusional! Then you tell Me to meet you at your locker,NOT HER then I see you guys like that,doing that..." she mutters the last part look at the ground like she's having a recap of everything that went on in the last 10 minutes

Fuck bro.

"FUCK YOU ACE." She shouts in my face walking off


But she already gone...


I turn around and see that bitch just sitting on the floor as she watched everything unfold.

"Dude why the fuck would you do that!" I shout in her face

"So she could back off" she smirks

I'm glad I can see a bruise already forming on her cheek from when Davina slapped her.

"You know what you need to back off. Don't talk to me,don't look at me,don't even breath my direction. You just ruined the best the that has ever happened to me and your gonna wish you didn't" I snap

"Come acey don't you want me, we can finally be together" Emma says grabing my arm

"I would never lay my hand on a women but you're really tempting me right now." I scowl shoving her arm off my and walking away.

I know I should have went after Davina but I know her well enough that right now she need space

I really hope I can fix this.
Bro I'm back!

Sorry I haven't updated in like ages but it because school and I've been really lazy honestly!


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