Jealous Ace.

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                             Davina's POV

Finally we pulled up the restaurant and it's beautiful I'm surprised a couple of teenagers wanted to come here.

"Table for 6?" The server asked

We all nod our heads and then she leads us to a table

At our table there's me across from Ace, Lily across from Ashton and Ana across from Dominic.We are all talking among our selfs until our waitress comes over might I say he's very cute but not hot. There's a difference like Ace is hot and our waitress is cute.

Why is Ace being brought up into this?

Mind your Business.

"Hi I'm Ryan I'll be your waitress today" he says in a bored tone not looking up at us. clearly someone dosent like there job...

"Can I start you off with some drinks?" He quetioned finally looking at us and his eyes roam the table till they land on me.

Once his eyes met my eyes his slight widened then he smirks... I don't know what this man is thinking but he need to shut that down right now.

"Can I get a spirit please"I request

"You can have anything you want babe" he reply's with a wink making me mentally gag as I roll my eyes.

Everyone else orders there drinks but the waitresses eyes stay on me making me want to grab a fork and stab him in the eyes then feed it to him.

When Ryan leaves the I look around the table seeing everyone's eyes on me but one thing that catches my eyes is Ace and god damn he looks so mad and aggregated... it's hot.

"Can you guys stop looking at me it's making me feel weird."I pled squirming in my seat.

Everyone mutters a sorry and goes back to talking the only people quiet are me and Ace normally he would talk or flirt with me while everyone else is busy with there convos but right now he's just staring at the table. It's kinda funny seeing him get all worked up and I wanna see how mad and jealous he can get and I'm gonna do just that.

Smirking at the master plan I just came up with Ryan aka the waiter comes back with our drink and as he's reaches over to out my drink down he glances down at my boobs.


Instead of acting like I'm mad and disgusted I smile at him in a flirtatious way winking cause him to smirk thinking he's the shit. News flash HES NOT.

"Are you guys ready to order?" He ask still smirking at me

"I'll have the cheese ravioli please,Ryan" I request

"Of course Beautiful" he says bitting his lip *intsert gagging noises*

"Alight can I get Alfredo"Ace says glaring at Ryan

As everyone goes on and orders there food trying to ignore this situation I notice Ace glaring at Ryan while Ryan is still smirking at me well more like smirking down at my tits and me looking back and forth at Ace and Ryan with amusement.

It is so intertaning to watch Ace get so jealous.

After everyone said there orders the waitress looked back at me and asked "do you have a name over there babe?"

Before I could reply Ace does for me "No she does not, Now go get our food and do your damn job"Ace demands clearing fed up and after he says that the waitress leaves and all our attention went to ace.

"Stop looking at me!" Ace demands looking down at the table

After that everyone goes on talking about random things Ace would talk but barley but he tried his best not to act mad but I knew deep down he was.
After we all finished our food we asked for the bill and when our waitress came out with the bill he specifically hands it to me winking then scurrying off after seeing Aces hard glare on him

When I looked at the bill it had his number on it classic.

When we left the restaurant we began to drive to the movies and during the car ride I want to jump out of the car because Ace kept touching me.

He would make our knees touch or his hand would touch my legs and he clearly knew what he was doing and what he was doing had an effect on me because my breath would increase or I would blush.

When I would look at him he would have that stupid smirk that I loved so much on his stupid Beautiful face.

I don't even know why I'm so effected I'm just gonna go with because i'm claustrophobic. Yeah that's it.

Or probably because there's so much sexual tensionnnn in the air...

Shut it brain.
FINALLY after what felt like an hour long car ride even though it was only 20 minutes we are at the movies and I liget ran out the car.

We all choose to watch conjuring 3 since lily really wanted to watch it and also because she said and I quote

"If we don't watch the movie I will tell the whole school you guys had an orgy"

Like ma'ma WHAT?!? Let's not do that...

"Okay Ace and Davina go pick a spot for us to sit and Ana,Lily,Ashton and I are going to go get snacks!"Dom says walking away leaving me and Ace alone... not awkward at all! SARCASM!

"Ight let's go" Ace muttered clearing still upset around the whole waitress thing BUT I don't see the problem we don't date nor have we ever even been on a real date!

"Being jealous isn't good for the soul you know."I pointed out after we found a seat.

"Ya well to fucking bad" he declared

After a minute of silence I feel a hand on my thigh causing me to gasp,then I feel aces breath blowing on my ear causing my breath to speed up.

"I don't like you talking to other guys that way Davina" he claimed griping my thigh tighter making me bite my lower lip so no unwanted noses escape.

"Ya,well to fucking bad" I breath out repeating his words

A deep chuckle escaped his lips cause me to squeez my legs together he kissing around and on my earlobe making me gasp again. I hate this.

No you don't

You right I don't.

"If I see you sending that sexy seductive smirk to anyone else I will punish you."he growls

"You can't tell me what to do your not my daddy" I smirked witch led him to let out a deep,low growl in my ear and his hand started to go higher and higher under my dress.

"Ya but soon you're gonna be calling me that, actully you going to be screaming"he promised

"No I won't so don't get to ahead of you self it's takes a lot to make me scream."I challenged

"Hmm just you watch princess"he whispered flicking his tongue across my neck then sitting back in his seat with his hand still on my thigh

"Hey guys where back and we got popcorn,gummy bears,skittles......" I drowned out the rest of dominics words feeling aces hand move slightly up on my thigh luckily no one can see since it's dark.
Short chapter today.


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