I love you.

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*not edited ofc...*

^^listen to song while you read!!^^
                          Davinas pov

I'm yanked into a closet and as I go to kick who ever the fuck is holding me I hear a familiar voice.

"It's me put your feet down."

Ace. Great...(sarcasm)

"Ace what the fuck is wrong with you I could have killed you!" I say

What? My kicks are harmful.

"Ya killed me" he say sarcastically and laughs

I go to kick him to to shut his laughter up.

"Ah! I'm sorry don't kick me!"He gulped

Ya that was I though,Pussy.

"What do you want Ace" I sigh getting annoyed

"I want to tell you how fucking sorry I am! Also I pulled you into a closet because I knew this was the only way I could get you to talk to me." He stammered

Aww he nervous... hmm I wonder if he get nervous around emma.*rolls eyes*

"Go on" I said

"Look Davina I'm so fucking sorry I never met to hurt you. I don't even know how I was so stupid to not see the signs that she was trying to get at me, I thought she just wanted to be friends I swear. I never felt anything towards her but a friendship. And that kiss...Gosh I don't even know how it happened one minute I was waiting for you at the lockers then she comes up to me and we started talk then out of no where she just kissed me. Then I just froze I didn't kiss her back and I know that the fact that I didnt kiss her back dosent mean shit to you. But I just want you to know that I never planed for any of that shit to happen!" He ranted moving his hands around as he looks into my eyes

Damn I almost fell asleep.

Let me stop. Okay *deep breaths*

"Ace first I'd like to say you are dumb as fuck for not noticing she was trying to get with you  especially after you use to have girls hit on you daily. Second why the fuck would you just push my wishes aside like they meant nothing. You made me feel like I was overthinking everyday for no reason and that my opinion was never valid! That shit really hurt Ace. It was like everytime I would tell you how I felt about your relationship with her you just brushed me the fuck off like dirt." I ranted

Damn I'm out of breath now.

I look at Ace after I catch my breath. He's just standing there in shock and disbelief? I think.

"Fuck" I hear him mutter mostly to himself

"I really made you feel like that?" He quetions

I sigh "yes Ace you made me feel like I was just some pathetic girl overthinking for no reason."

It's true ever since they became friends I would overthink all day.

'Will he leave me for her?'
'Is she better than me?'  
'What are they doing right now?'
'What does she say that he finds so funny?'
'Is he cheating?'

Gosh I had thought like that running though my head every fucking day and it's was like my brain was always on 100.

It hurt. A lot.

Don't get me wrong I love myself but sometimes things just make me look in the mirror and think negatively.

"Divina I'm so fuck sorry. I never meant to make you feel like anything but the beautiful girl you are. No one could ever take the spot I have for you in my heart,ever. I know my the mistakes I made now and I cut Emma off I haven't talked to her since that day. And I just want us to go back to how things were because you and I. I miss you so fucking much. I miss your kisses, the way you would play with my hair, how bossy you are,how determined you are,our drives to chick-fa-A. Princess I just miss how we use to be. You once said you would do anything for me and all I want right now is you." He said as a tears escaped his eyes

He ran the pad of his thumbs across my cheeks whipping the tears I didn't even notice fell.

"Davian, I love you." He whispered staring into my eyes

My heart drops... did I hear that right?

"W-what" I tensed

"I love you Davina." He says louder

Oh. I guess I did hear that right...

"Ace... I- I love you."chocked

He smiles but he smile disappears when he notices I'm not done with my sentence.


"I love you but I think we should take a break...I just want to be friends right now because what happen between us still hurts but I do love you, I love you so much but right now I just need to pick up the peices and maybe eventually we can put them back together." I stammered

As I see his face drop and tears flow down his cheeks I physically feel my hard shatter.

He gently takes his hands off from my face.

"okay, but we're going to pick up the peices together because there no way I'm letting you go that easily. I'm gonna prove to you that you and I are meant for eachother and we will be together in the end princess. But for now im gonna help you pick up all the peices and put them back together." He says looking determered making my chuckle

He smiles and his face lights up at the sound of my laugh.

"I love you,princess." He smiles then walks out of the closet

I love you,my love.


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I know some of you guys wanted them to get back together right now but I feel like this book needed some spice but I promise they will get back together eventually... or not😈

Also I'm back.I guess lol!
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