Freddy and Monty share a knowing look, a mixture of guilt and sadness. Monty is the first to address the question, "it doesn't happen often, I've only heard of one instance at this location. After the incident,"

"You have to eject the chip from the skeleton," Freddy begins to explain.

"Easier said than done. It's kept under layers of metal and passwords," Monty shakes his head.

"There's nothing a good sledgehammer, crowbar and determination can't get through," you punch your fists together and Monty grins and cheers, looking more like his usual self.

"You two concern me sometimes," Freddy mumbles as you and Monty exchange a high five.

Before Freddy can continue with his instructions you hear movement from the hall to your left. Something is coming, and fast. You lurch forward to smack the button and shut the left door. Both doors slam shut and something rams into the door then scuttles away. You can feel your heart beating in your ears as you monitor the cameras waiting for the creature to leave. It looks like a miniature music man, not the giant mass you saw earlier on the camera.

"I think we can open the doors now to save power," you say through deep breaths. But no one answers you. You check the cams one more time then turn around.

Freddy and Monty are standing like they've been frozen. Then they begin to shake, small tremors as matching looks of pain cloud their faces. Freddy's head snaps up and he make eye contact with you, "y/n, he's taking control!" His voice is strained.

"Who are you talking about? Let me help you!" You rush forward but Freddy pushes you back.

"You have to get out of here!" He warns you as a purple color starts to seep into his eyes. You hear a thud as Monty hits the ground. He tears at the floor then grips his head as he shouts in confusion and pain. Then a pair of strong arms grab your shoulders and push you to the control desk, it's Freddy, "please, I can't hold him off much longer!"

You press the button to open the doors so you can escape. But nothing happens. You turn back just as Monty stands up. His eyes glow purple and his voice is distorted as he speaks, "there's nowhere to go y/n,"

You back away slowly, and try to push on the door. It's no good and Monty- no- whoever that is, laughs. Then he charges. You tuck and roll between his legs to avoid being body slammed and jump up. Monty turns and charges again as Freddy loses consciousness. You jump to the side again but your feet are swept out from under you by a large tail. You land hard, and turn to your back as Monty pounces. As you reach for your sun pin so does Monty. He rips it from your lapel and crushes it in his fist.

"Nothing can help you now," the voice behind Monty mocks you. Then he yanks you to your feet, wraps one hand around your neck and lifts you into the air. Your air supply is cut off and you kick at Monty with all your might. The more oxygen you loose the weaker the kicks become. You pull at Monty's hand and gasp for any air you can get but the room starts to tilt.

"Monty please," you choke out as your vision starts to blink out.

"He can't do anything, he can only watch," the voice tells you as you kick him one more time then go lax.

"Freddy..." you wheeze out a final cry for help as you black out. You wonder if it's the end of the line. Suddenly you fall to the ground as the grip on your neck is released. You cough violently as you catch your breath. Through blurry eyes you look up to see Freddy has thrown Monty across the room.

"I will not let you harm y/n!" he shouts with an anger you're never heard in his voice before. You watch as he and Monty wrestle, all the while Freddy also fights off whoever's trying to control him. He's fighting two battles at once, but somehow managing to win them. He pushes Monty into the charging tube and locks it. Then he rushes over and kneels beside you, "y/n, I am so sorry. Are you alright?"

You cough again then respond, "It's ok, I'll live," you can't think of any good jokes to lighten the mood.

Monty pounds on the door of the charging tube and when you flinch at the sound Freddy pulls you into a hug. You close your eyes as your head spins, "please, stay awake. I can not loose you," Freddy says, shifting so you're more upright.

"I said I'll live, I just need a minute-" you promise while taking deep breaths. Unfortunately fate or something much darker, has a different plan for you. A deep and echoing thud sounds and grows closer. Freddy's eyes flash purple and he jumps away from you as he fights for control again. An unfamiliar voice laughs as you force yourself to stand on shaking legs, "Freddy what's going on?"

The whole room shakes as the stomping gets louder and closer. Freddy places himself between you and the door but neither of you can hide your fear as he speaks, "he is here,"

the best laid plans (glamrock Freddy x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now