Chapter 8- Visit

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After hours of cleaning wounds and fumbling with bandages, you finally appeared like you had ended the fight, rather than still on the run from it.

You stared at yourself in the mirror, rough stitches along your cheek, and deep grazes on your chin. That was the damage on your face at least.

You would be unable to fly, due to your injured wing. It could take up to a month to successfully heal. Moving your right arm would be agonizing, because of the gauge you had to stitch up after being stabbed in the shoulder. 

That was only the main injuries. 

You sighed, tightening the bandage around your wing.

Despite being demi-immortal, pain was still present. Not as agonizing, but then again because of enhanced pain endurance, you were more likely to suffer more extreme injuries. Such as, when your brother slammed your neck against the ground and dragged it through the dirt. A mortal would be dead, neck broken and most likely torn to shreds.

You sat back on the chaise. You weren't up for causing chaos in the market today.

You held your hands together, forming a circle.

"Show me the good days, please." you whispered, light glowing in the palm's of your hands. 

Your eyes shone a little brighter as the spell was carried out. 

Vision blurring, your consciousness was moved, from your current state to that of reminisce. 

You were brought back to pleasant times, when everything was ok.

"Hey! Look, I figured out how to teleport!" your brother giggled, disappearing in one place and appearing in another.

You stared at him in awe. "Can I do that?" you asked desperately, puppy eyes staring at him.

"With practice!" he replied, grinning widely.

You were 8 at the time, your brother- 14. 

Your childhood home vaguely resembled your current hut, but far larger... and more twisted. 

You and your brother had been practicing your magic in the courtyard, the walls of your mansion towering around you. 

Purple grass was trampled down as you played, creating little poofs of magic, and conjuring pointless trinkets and toys. 

You squeezed your eyes together, focusing your powers. Unfortunately, instead of achieving teleportation, you opened your eyes to a large green bubble surrounding you. You began to rise into the air. 

You squealed in panic, your wings fluttering behind you.

"Help!" you whimpered, punching the walls of the sphere.

You scrunched your eyes closed, a small tear escaping your eye.

You felt an embrace, and your eyes snapped open.

"I've got you." your brother whispered, hugging you whilst he conjured a small dagger, stabbing through the bubble.

You fell to the ground, him still holding you.

"Thank you, Bill." you wept.

He held your shoulders, staring at you through his eye. It sat on the left, and his hair flopped down over where the other eye should be.

He wiped away your tears with your hand, smiling.

"That was a cool spell," he said, hauling you to your feet.

He stood a head taller than you. His comforting smile peeling away your sadness.  

"Not that I know what it is." you giggled.

You squirmed from his grasp, galloping round the courtyard, taunting your brother to chase you. 

"Catch me!" you cried with joy.

Bill teleported in front of you, grinning.

You grinned harder, flapping your wings and rising into the sky before he could grab you.

"Haha!!" you laughed, soaring around in circles. 

He shook his head, following you into the sky.

You stopped, frowning at him.

"What is it?" he asked, stopping a bit away from you.

"Will you always be stronger?" you asked, furrowing your brow. 

He cocked his head. "Only if you let me be, y/n. You have a lot of Chaos in you too!" 

You were disturbed from your memories by a knock at the door.

You hauled yourself up, limping to the door.

You put on a half made mask, still lacking paint. 

Cracking open the door, you were greeted by the owl-like mask of the Golden Guard. No, you thought, not the Golden Guard. Hunter.

"Hi." he said, a hint of awkwardness in his tone. 

"You're back." you welcomed, opening the door for him to enter.

"Belos gave me the evening off. I failed another mission. Some stupid human." he grumbled, sitting in his chair.

"So you came here?" 

He blushed. "Just wanted to see if you were ok. You're eyes look... duller." 

"Oh. Ok. I just did a big spell, that's all. My eyes reflect how much energy I have." you replied, conjuring a cup of tea and passing it to him.

"Oh, wait, you can't drink that- can you." you chuckled awkwardly, making the tea disappear.

He nodded. 

You sat down directly in front of the fire, holding your hands out to it.

Hunter reached out to pull you back, but you batted him away.

"It's not going to burn me!" you laughed. 

You gathered a small ball of fire in your hands, turning round to show him.

"Wow." he whispered.

"Take it!" you smiled, holding it out to him.

Nervously, he reached out his cupped hands. 

You let the glowing ball fall into his gloves.

"Oh! It tickles..." he giggled, holding the fire up to his mask, the green flames tinting the gold.

He kneeled down next to you, reuniting the flame with the fire.

"Is it sore?" he said, looking at your bandages and scars.

"Only a bit. Nowhere as sore as it would be for you, though." you replied, glancing over at him.

He chuckled sadly.

"Want to spar?" you asked, leaning back from the fire.

He nodded.

You grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.

Hunter's heart fluttered. 

You sensed it, and smiled softly.

Still holding your hand, he used his staff to teleport the two of you to your 'Sparring Roof'.




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