Chapter 5- Chaos Is My Middle Name

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After a long night of staring into the abyss, you decided have a little fun. 

You teleported into town, you didn't feel like walking.

As always, it was crowded and noisy. 

Small children ran about you, some pickpockets, others just playing with their friends. 

From your pocket, you produced a few blue spheres. 

Tapping one of the children's shoulders, you told them to spread them around the market.

You leant against a crate smugly, as the child raced off with his friends to follow your command.

After a few minutes, they returned, grinning.

"What now, masked girl?" one of them asked. She had scruffy red hair and a tattered dress.

"Just watch." you said.

You began moving your index finger in small circles, and as you did so, blue smoke rose from the spheres.

People started spluttering as the disgusting smell filled their lungs.

The children laughed as stall keepers and customers evaded the stench.

"Those stalls are all yours. By handling the spheres, you're immune to the smell." you whispered to the small gang.

With toothy smiles, they raced to the stalls, snatching a variety of sweet treats and small trinkets, getting away before anyone could stop them.

You chuckled, the smoke beginning to dissipate.

"What next...?" you whispered to yourself, rubbing your hands together.

You walked through the mass, plotting your next act of mischief.


You had spotted a group of Hexside students, obviously bullies, picking on a small yellow haired girl.

You strode up behind them.

"Hello." you greeted, grinning viciously behind the mask.

They turned around, their expressions of hatred.

"Who're you?" one of them sneered.

"This girl's saviour, of course." you laughed.

You clicked your fingers, the bully's feet were instantly stuck to the ground in an oozing green jelly.

They cried out in frustration.

The girl stared at you, you gave her a small wave.

"Well- on ya go. You're welcome." you said to her, before turning to the stuck students. "And you guys; if I see you messing with someone again, it won't be temporary."

They nodded in fear, and you laughed harder.

"T-thanks." the girl stuttered, before fleeing the scene.

You shook your head in satisfaction, moving on once again.

You swiped a fresh bun from a stall, tossing it to a very grateful child, who grinned savagely before scoffing the thing whole.

You hummed as you searched the market, looking to see what other chaos you could cause. 

A small group of the emperor's guards stood outside an inn, chatting.

As you strode towards them, you altered your appearance to that of a guards, beaming with satisfaction. 

"Hullo, fellow guards." you said, not at all trying to blend in.

They looked at you questioningly, before returning to their conversation. 

"Work's been hard recently, Belos is pretty relentless." one of them said.

"Yeah, back-breaking hard. But better to be on his good side." another said, nodding in agreement.

You let out a bloodcurdling scream, trying your hardest not to laugh.

All the guards looked to you in confusion.

You pointed at a random one of them, casting a spell that turned them into were-wolf-thing. 

You weren't even sure what it was, you just knew it would cause chaos.

Baring it's teeth, it began racing around the market, the throng sprinting away as it crashed through stall after stall.

The guards leapt into action, chasing after their transformed associate, blasting them with spells.

You couldn't resist the urge anymore, you bent over double, your disguise returning to normal.

You chortled with laughed, almost falling to your knees in hysteria.

You felt a tight grip on your shoulder, still wheezing, you turned your head round to see the Golden Guard staring you down.

"Is this your doing?" he asked sternly.

"M-maybe....!! Just.... could not resist... urge!!!!" you said, struggling for air as you continued giggling.

"Well, undo it, you're destroying the market." he replied, tugging you to your feet.

You frowned, shrugging him off. You clicked your finger and the were-wolf returned to it's original form; a deeply perplexed guard.

"I've never seen you... like this. Whatever this is." he said, staring at you.

"Sometimes, I just need to cause a little chaos, to keep myself sane." you explained, your laughter dwindling.

"If this happens again, there will be more serious consequences." he warned.

You rolled your eyes. No prison could keep you enclosed. Not for very long. 

"H-how did you even do that, anyway?" he asked, no longer in authority mode. 

"I'm not from the Boiling Isles, duh. My powers exceed all who dwell here." you smiled. 

"Why. Just why. If you're so powerful- why use it for silly pranks? Why haven't you taken over the boiling isles?" he said.

"Simple. I have no wish to be openly superior. I'm more of a in the background, don't realise until it's too late, kind of being. And besides, chaos is basically my middle name." you smirked. 

Before he could reply, you disappeared through a portal.

He grumbled in agitation.

He just couldn't figure it out.

But he would.

Angel Of Chaos (golden guard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now