Chapter 7: New Revelations

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You were called out of the dreamscape by a panicked voice.

"Wake up, wake up! Please! What the heck just happened? Who are you?" 

It was the Golden Guard.

You opened your eyes slowly.

You watched as he flinched.

"It's me, your sparring partner, nutter." you mumbled faintly, staring at his mask. 

"So this is why...?"

"Yep," you cut him off. "The mask, the cloak, everything."

"I saw what that... thing... did to you... how are you not dead??" he asked, attempting to heal your wounds.

"Because I'm demi-immortal. That was my big brother." you sighed, wincing as you pushed yourself into a sitting position. 

He stood up, offering you a hand.

"I didn't think you were capable of... all this. Didn't really think you got scared, either." he said, his voice cracking.

"Yeah? The fear is new to me too." you took his hand, and he pulled you up.

Smearing the blood from your nose onto your already bloody hands, you looked at him.

"You were following me." you sighed, giving him a look, your neon eyes staring through his mask.

He let go of your hand, turning his head away.

"Yes. Only because I find it important to know as much as possible about my allies." 

You groaned, and begin limping along the path, collecting your cloak and wrapping your injured wing in it.

"Wait! You can't just leave with no explanation after I watched you do all that-" he said, running after you.

"Fine. Whatever. Just don't piss me off or I'll kill you." you laughed faintly.

You stumbled along the path, a small trail of blood following you. The Golden Guard kept trying to help you, to sling your arm over his shoulder. You simply conjured a knife and held it to his neck.

"So, why, how, where, who, and so on. What just happened." he asked, after yet another knife to the neck.

"I'm y/n, the Angel Of Chaos. Younger sister of the Interdimensional Overlord Of Chaos. I come from various dimensions, leading different lives steeped in chaos. I have a connection to each variant of me, expanding my knowledge. I had been working with my brother, trying to take over another Earth... I started seeing the damage we caused, and helped to throw my brother in Limbo- as it could be called. Somehow, he projected himself here with the soul intent to kill me. He didn't have enough time." you explained.

The Guard took a deep breath. "That was a lot." 


"But why disguise yourself? If you had never been here beforehand?" he questioned, adjusting his mask.

"I just thought... you know... the eyes, the wings. It's not a very charming appearance." you laughed sadly. It had been so long since you had been able to open up.

"I think your eyes are nice. They're sort of like... I dunno, stars." he replied. 

You sensed his smile, and reflected it on your own face. "Thanks."

The sun was gone, a bright full moon rising from the horizon. Stars speckled the sky like flecks of paint, shining pricks of light. 

You walked the rest of the way in silence, limping along the path whilst the Golden Guard slowed his pace to your fractured one.

When you came to your hut, you gave a long sigh. "Home sweet home." 

"Pretty small, for such a powerful being." the Guard said sceptically. 

"You don't seriously think this is it?" you laughed, limping to the door.

You opened it and immediately sensed surprise. 

You walked in, the Golden Guard shyly stepping over the threshold.

Plonking down on the sofa, you clicked your fingers, the record player beginning it's rickety tune.

"You can do... all this?" he said, running his hand along the bookshelf.

"Yeah." you said, unwrapping your blood-covered bandages. 

He walked over to the chaise longue you lay on, staring into the luminous green fire.

You conjured a chair, with a back that matched the Guard's owl mask.

Gratefully, he sat down on it, leaning back in relaxation. 

He pulled down his hood, revealing pale blonde hair.

"Your ears fair boil in a hood, don't they?" you chuckled, looking at his red pointed ears.

"Sometimes." he replied. It wasn't the heat from the hood. It was you. But he wouldn't admit that.

You hummed to the tune, sinking into the chaise. 

"What about your mask? Isn't it hot in there?" you prompted, almost teasingly. 

"No- I don't want to... I-" he stuttered.

You smirked. "You've seen me, how can you look any worse?" 

"Confidentiality... y/n." he replied awkwardly, fumbling with his gloves.

"Wow. It's weird having someone call me by name. It was always my brother." you shook your head. 

You let silence reign, the only noises penetrating it was the crackle of the fire,  and the soft tune from the record player.

You smiled. Despite the recent events, this was blissful.

Despite your body's aching, this was comfortable.

Despite your fear of losing another ally, you were calmed by the Guard's company.

You both sat, oddly content with each other's silence.

Content to think, to think about the events of the day.

Though throughout your thinking you both had the urge to break the silence, neither of you could bring yourself to do it.

It was only as the sun began to break over the horizon, did you snap back to reality.

"Oh, Mr. Guard- you'll have work, won't you?" you said, pushing yourself up, looking over to him.

"Yeah! Oh titan, I completely lost track of time!" he  exclaimed, pulling his hood back up.

He walked over to your door, your 'star' eyes following him as he went.

"Um, my name's Hunter, by the way. So you don't call me Mr. Guard." he paused at the door.

Your heart gave a small flutter. 

What the fuck? It's just a name???

"I like that name..." you smiled. "Bye, I guess."

"Goodbye, Angel Of Chaos." he left, closing the door behind him.




Angel Of Chaos (golden guard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now