Chapter 4- Sparring

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Every consecutive evening, you met with the Golden Guard to give him sparring lessons.

It felt weird, being around someone. Especially when they wore a mask too.

There had been multiple occasions when he had tried to knock your mask off, though failing as you sent him flying across the roof.

You almost managed to engage in conversation. How long had it been since someone wasn't scared or annoyed by your words, simply intrigued? 

To his disappointment, you avoided quite a few of his questions. 

Like one of your conversations, where you ended up nearly slitting his throat. 

"So why do you wear the mask?" the Golden Guard asked, after yet another unsuccessful spar, you had allowed him a short break.

"Disguise." you reply, a lie among many others.

"But you always wear it, I've never seen you take it off, same with your hood." he adjusted his shoulder plate.

"Well, it wouldn't be a disguise- would it?" you shook your head. "You never take yours off, either." you added.

"Because it's my signature mask, dummy, if I wore a different one no one would know who I was. But you wear different ones all the time, and for that reason." he shot back.

You glared from behind the mask, but didn't let your anger show through your tone.

"I do. It's why no one can find me, and hunt me down. No one can know who I am unless I speak." you explained.

"I think there's another reason. You're human, aren't you- that's why you wear the hood too!!!" he exclaimed, pointing at you accusingly.

"I am not human." you said, raging anger tied down with chains.

He stood up, walking over to you. "I don't believe you. Prove you're not human."

 You took three steps back. The amount of steps was the amount of time you'd need to prove you were no human.

1st second, you launch yourself through the air, left foot directed at the Guard's chest.

2nd second, you slammed him to the ground, one foot still on him.

3rd second, you conjured a long scythe, that came to hang directly above his throat. 

"A human could not do that." you hissed. 

His breathing had sharpened. 

You sensed fear. 

Standing down, you disintegrated the scythe, you held a hand out to him.

He took it, and you hauled him up, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Please, don't provoke me. I try my best to hide emotion, but I get... lethal, when I'm annoyed. Sorry." you sighed, staring into his mask.

"Y-yeah. I'm sorry too. You didn't even think twice about beating up a teen." he replied shakily.

You stared in bewilderment. "How old do you think I am??" 

"I don't know. Older than me... you're stronger and all..." he shrugged.

"I'm almost 16. Strength doesn't always come with age... some beings just have it." you released your grip from his shoulder, conjuring a sword once again.

"I-I'm older than you? I turned 16 a month ago... titan! That's embarrassing." he stuttered.

You laughed, getting into battle stance. "One more, then you need sleep."

And so you and the Golden Guard performed your dance of clashing metal.


You were home again. The fire, still crackling ominous green, the bookshelf, still bearing it's ancient tomes. 

You walked towards the mirror set in the wall, peeling off your mask.

You stared at your reflection, and you were greeted by eerie toxic yellow eyes.

Your eyes.

Even in the dim light, they glowed sinisterly. 

That, was why you wore the masks. 

To hide the horror that lay behind them.

If you didn't have those spiritless eyes, maybe you'd be stared at in awe, rather than fear.

And you wouldn't have to wear the cloak, if you didn't have those wings.

You would have never gained the title 'Angel of Chaos', if you didn't have those wings.

You would have never had to leave your home and everyone you held dear, if you weren't the Angel of Chaos.

You wouldn't have had to leave, start anew, wear a mask, wear a cloak, hide your emotions and your past- if you weren't the Angel of Chaos.

You didn't bother sleeping. You couldn't have, even if you had tried. 

Instead, you lay on the chaise longue, listening to Mellohi, reminiscing. 


Sorry I'll calm down. haha. 

Hope y'all are ok and u liked this chapter, IK i'm being secretive abt where this is headed, so, here's a few things to note:

yes, they fall in love

yes, there is epic battle on its way

yes, hunter does love the wings and eyes (ofc)


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