"Mmhm..." Ray mumbled and swung her sword at Lloyd. The boy reacted just in time to block the hit and looked at her with shock in his eyes.

"Never turn your back on an enemy!" she advised and took her sword away.

"Since when are you my enemy?" Lloyd narrowed his eyes, not entirely fond of her surprise attack.

Ray shook her head and put her sword away, the sound of sliding into the scabbard being close to a blade being sharpened.

"Come on, that's enough training, let's move out." she commanded.

Nodding, the young boy gathered his things and followed his teacher, continuing their search.

Paris (Marinette POV)

"The city is rather quiet today, huh?" I wondered, a communicator in my ear allowing me to speak with my boyfriend from afar. We were on patrol, just like every other day.

"Yeah, really quiet. I almost wish something were to happen to eleviate the boredom..." Cat Noir agreed.

"Don't jinx it, babe," I giggled in response.

"Wait, hold on! I do see something!" Cat Noir stated.

"What? What do you see?"

"I'm gonna investigate."

I tried to get him to talk to me again, but no reply again. Oh no... Uh oh... Oh lord oh no! Cat? Adrien? What happened to him!? Knowing my silly boyfriend would get into trouble easily, I began to jump my way toward his position.

I swear that cat is reckless. He could have just waited for me and we would have been able to investigate together but nooo...

(3rd person)

Ladybug made it to the east side of Paris, but found the streets to be rather empty. Strange. Where was everyone? It was broad daylight, people should have been frolicking.

"Hello?" she called, but no reply came. She slowly felt her nervousness grow more and more. She began to investigate the empty street, jogging through it, trying to find any trace of life. She found none.

A banging sound of metal was heard. She stopped in her tracks and looked behind her, but nothing was there. Raising a brow, she shrugged it off and turned her head forward and was shocked, terrified and horrified at the sight.

Blood... A lot of blood. Dead people in piles on the ground. From the looks of it, whatever killed them, they did it in ways that was completely insane.

"D-dead people!? What happened here!? Cat Noir!! Can you hear me!?" she called out, tears threatening to fall down her cheeks.

She took out her yo-yo and tried to call Alya. No reply. She tried to call Nino, no reply. She tried to call Zoe, no reply. She tried to call Gabriel. No. Reply.

Taking a stuttering breath, she ran through the field of dead bodies, hoping to find whoever was responsible for this.

But no matter how much she ran, she only saw more bodies and more blood splattered across the buildings.

"T-this is getting worse... What if I am next!? Snap out of it Ladybug. You have to be brave!" she scolded herself.

The mountain of bodies stopped appearing after she reached a certain point on the street. She felt a sigh of relief escaping her lips, happy to know there were no more bodies to be found. But what she saw next was something she did not expect.

Cat Noir, standing in the middle of the street with his back turned toward her. Did he even see the bodies? Shouldn't he be on his knees crying his eyes out from seeing so many dead people?

Miraculous Ladybug: The Longest DayWhere stories live. Discover now