Part 13: Remembrance

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                                                                             "We need to talk."



"あ... では?"


"Are you two pulling a prank on me? You said we need to talk and then both of you gone silenced?"

"なんかいたずらにするつもりですか? お話しましょうっていったらなんで急に静かになりますか?"

"Please, be a little patient. We talked to each other before on how to discuss this problem with you but...I guess speaking face to face is still harder than I thought it'd be."

"ちょっと待って。この問題を話す前に話し合ったんだけど... なんか顔で話し合うのは思ったよりまだ難しいね"

"I guess this must be something very important than. My bad, you two just take it easy and tell me about it."


Yukki was the first of the two to begin the talk:

"So.....long story short.....NatsuP is i- "


"I'm in love with you."




"Oooookkk ... go on please..."

"おおおオーケー... 続け..."

"I understand that you two are already in a relationship. I know that! And yet..."

"この関係になるとわかる。そうだ! じゃ..."

"She still want a chance. So what do you think, [FN/LN]?"


I didn't know what to say, so I just closed my eyes and go into my thinking mode:

"Is this my chance to open a path toward the harem route? Hehehe..."

"この機械でなんかハレム道が開いてしまったのかな? へへへ..."

"...NO! The hell was I thinking? I fell in love with Yukki and not a chance in hell I'm gonna change heart!"

"...NO! なん思っちゃった? ゆっきを愛してるので心を変えたくないです!"

"I'm sorry but I'm not gonna live the Matsuoka Life."


After all the inner- thinking, I opened my eyes to see 2 fidgeting in front of me. They didn't speak a single word but their faces spoke a thousand sentences. They both just sit in silence, looking straight at me with a worried face. I hate to be that guy, but sometimes, to protect one's wish you must destroy another's.

"I'm sorry..."


"...but my heart already belonged to Yukki. I have no intention of giving it to others."


After the talk, me and Yukki said goodbye to Natsume-san and returned to our apartment. You might ask "How did Natsume-san react? Did she went into Yandere mode and threw a tantrum?" She said that she understand, she hopes the talk won't affects our relationship and wished us the best for our relationship. She really is a great person, if I hadn't met Yukki then maybe, just maybe we could have been a match. However, I have already found my BEST MATCH and that's not changing in the future that I see. I really hope a wonderful person like her will find her others half.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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