Part 8: A Tomboyish Date

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Chapter 9:
The day finally came. I prepared myself to the best of my ability, all I have to do now was wait for her. I finished an hour early so every second felt long, I meant LONG. When I finally heard the knocking on my door, I rushed out to see Yukki-san waiting for me outside in her...

 oh my god

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... oh my god. She looks STUNNING. I don't think I'm the purest person out there, so I'm pretty surprised to see an angel waiting for me at my door. Like always, she took me by the hands, we got on the motorbike and she took me to an Arcade. I wasn't surprised knowing her all this time that we'd go somewhere like this. When we entered, a person came rushing at us with a facial expression I know all too well at this point. After saying hi and hugging each other, they turned back looking at me. I let out a slight sigh.

"Let me guess, you need my help again."


Two girls are asking for my help and as if I could say no to that. Their reaction was priceless when I said yes though, imagine that for yourself. Most of the works are expectable, like cleaning or carrying stuff around. It's weird though, why are there only 4 people in this arcade? Like I know it wasn't the time or the day but still, not a single person? Guess I'll focus on the task than ask her later.

We finished the place up to about noon. Everyone was pretty much dead tired at that point. A loud grumbling sound could be heard next to me, it was from Yukki-san. The way she turned away holding her stomach with bright red ears were so cute! Like I said before, there are 4 of us here. The girl who's Yukki-san's friend, Yukki-san, me and the manager. Think of her as an Alter version of a Karen, who's a nice person despite the atmosphere around her making her seems unapproachable. She cooked ramen for us all, and it looked good. Everyone was hungry so we start digging in immediately. It was delicious, and here's another fact. I've always thought of myself to be a fast eater because I always finish eating before anyone at a dining table, but when I saw Yukki-san with her bowl empty when we've just started eating a couple of minutes ago, it was eye-opening for me. When I ask her about it she told me that it was 'normal' yeah I don't think that eating speed was normal but I'm not gonna say it out loud of course.

After the meal the manager and the girl thanked us for lending them a hand and our reward was hogging this entire arcade to ourselves until evening, cause that's when the customer started coming in. So I and Yukki-san walked around, play as much game as we can. As expected, she was amazing at all kinds of games. Sports, shooting, racing games. You name it, she plays it. I couldn't keep up with her so I took a little break to drink some water. She was still roaring to play, honestly just watching her play is enough for me. It's so dazzling, so beautiful.

I want to hold onto this light, but I'm scared. What if this light will go out if I touch it? What if it will turn into eternal darkness forever following me? The more I think about it, the more lost I am. So I decided to stop thinking about it, just in these times when I can truly admire the light in peace.

When Yukki-san has had her fill with fun, we said goodbye and got on the bike. It seems that though Yukki-san still wasn't satisfied and she invited me on a little detour. It was just going around the city, feeling the wind she said, and I had no reason to deny it. We went around the city, eating snacks here and there, feeling the night winds passes.

Finally, we came back to the park near our apartment, each holding an ice cream cone in hand. It was around midnight now, the night has gone quieter. We sat on the benches and the conversation was going casually as always until she asked me if something was bothering me. I was stunned at the question. I asked her why does she think that and she told me that I seemed kind today and she was wondering if there was anything wrong.

I was about to tell her it was nothing but then, I unconsciously stopped myself. If I told her it was nothing, then does that means that my feeling towards her is also nothing? I can't say that. But then...what do I do? Tell her everything or lock it up and throw it all away. I'm a simple guy with a very normal wish: "I want to live and die with no regrets". But now it seems like the dream is the thing holding me back. It denies the future where I live without her. So I stood up, took a deep breath, turned off my phone to make sure Squid wouldn't call me at this important moment, all while Yukki-san was looking at me in confusion. I mustered all of my courage and:

"Yukki-san. I love you, please go out with me."


End of Part 9: Thank you all for reading part 9 of my fanfiction. I apologize for the slow making of this chapter but I've been really busy lately with exams and such. I'll do my best from now on so please continue supporting me. Huge thanks to @Vic5 ヴィク5#9999 for his help during the making of this chapter, checks out his amazing Bang dream fanfic "A Ray of Hope". Trust me, you won't regret it. Again, like always, thank you for your supports and I'll see you all at the end of the next chapter. Bye~

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