Part 4: An Elbowed Encounter

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-[Ring Ring-Ring Ring- Ring Rin-]

I froze at the sudden sound. It was my phone's ringtone. I took it out of my pocket and excused myself for the call. Having stood far enough away, I found myself trembling, with my heart beating uncontrollably. I guess the sudden ringtone took me by surprise. Anyways, putting that aside, I put my mind on the call....... "you have got to be kidding me". It was Squid, who called me to come and play a game which we play often. At that point, I was...filled with emotions, to say the least. I was kind of mad that his call almost made my heart stop beating, but was also kind of happy that he stopped me from conveying my feelings to Yukki-san. If I had done that, I wouldn't even dare thinking about a future with her where my relationship with her gets awkward or even turned to ashes because of this.

"Sorry Squid, but I'm not in the mood right now".
"That's a shame. Oh well, I guess it can't be helped then. Talk to you later!"
"Yeah, talk to you later"

Putting my phone away, I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. When I open it, I was surprised to see Yukki-san standing right in front of me. She seemed worried. That was when I realized that I was still sweating from the surprise call earlier. I assured her that nothing was wrong and suggested that we should head back since it was late. Just like that, I escorted her to her room and that's how our little "date" came to an end.

It has been a few days since then, I was still questioning myself whether not telling her my true feelings was the correct choice or not. Every day, I still meet her. I could say it at any time I want, at times I even tried to. But as soon as I stand in front of her door, preparing to knock, I felt like an invisible force took over my body. When that happens, I can only quietly return to my room with an unconsciously clenched fist. It feels weird when I see her every day, but I tried to keep it from interfering with my daily life.

One day, when I was coming back from work. The night was quiet, so was the empty road. The only thing that stood out was the star filled-sky. Looking at the sky, I didn't pay attention to anything. That was when I bumped into a little kid and knocked her to the ground. I quickly got her up on her feet but I could already see her teary eyes. Being a non-fluent Japanese speaker, I panicked. I was trying to put together an acceptable sentence when I felt something. This unmistakable emotion was running through my chest. It made me suffocate, my heart was beating so hard like it was about to explode at any moment.

Yes, it elbow. I received an elbow to the chest, it hurt so badly that I was on my knees when my soul returned to my body. When I looked up to find the source, the child was being hugged by a beautiful woman. She was a woman who looked pretty 'menacing' if that's the right word. She looked like she was in her mid 30's, with long black hair. She gave off a very stern vibe, but she looked so gorgeous that I couldn't stop staring.

Who elbowed me you ask? Well, I'm pretty sure you already have an idea about who it was but I'm sorry, since this's a 4th wall break, it means......

End of Part 4.
Thank you for reading part 4 of my fanfic. Special thanks to @Vic5 ヴィック5 (especially Vic), @mikaco, @Phroodles and @neinthedeer for their help. Once again thank you for your supports and I'll see you at the end of the next chapter. Bye~

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