Part 6: An Introduction

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In the room, I see Shizaki Kanon-san and 2 more girls. Yukki-san pulled me over and introduced me to them. The others two girl are Haruka Kudo-san and Megu Sakuragawa-san. I was talking to everyone when I noticed Yukki-san looking around as if we were finding something. I asked her and she said that the band have 1 more member.

"Aiai isn't here..."

"She just went out," the others said. If Yukki-san's band if full of beautiful and friendly people, I'm sure this "Aiai"-san is the same as well. Yukki-san seemed disappointed though, I guess she wanted to introduce me to her friends and 1 wasn't there.

A couple of moment later, a voice can be heard from outside the door. It was the voice of a young woman. As soon as Yukki-san hear this, she rushed to the door. On the other side of the door, I saw a girl with long black hair, so beautiful and so young. from her looks themselves, she had this vibrancy and so much energy. She looked like the sort of person every man would wish for until you talk to her or get to know her better. But I can tell that this lady wasn't the person Yukki-san was waiting for though, you could see it on her face. But she quickly changed to her cheerful self and welcome her in. Her name is Tsumugi Risa. We introduced each other and had conversations. Somewhere along with the line though, suddenly out of nowhere Tsmugi-san asked:

"So what's your relationship with Yukki?"

At this point, everyone put their focus on me. You bet it felt scary when you're the only guy in a room full of girls with curiosity in their eyes. When I was about to answer, "BAMM!". The door swings open. A man in a suit came in and introduced himself as Martin-the manager of Tsumugi-san. Then he quickly says goodbye to everyone and dragged Tsumugi-san away by the arm. Looks like they were working and Tsumugi-san must have bailed to came here. But I have to thank her manager Martin though, even if I answer anything back then, their 6th sense might start working and expose my true feeling. And I don't want that.....not yet.

With Tsumugi-san gone, I quickly changed the topic to something else. Honestly, I got to know a lot more about Yukki-san and her bandmates. Then, again, the door swings open. This time, though, it was the one Yukki-san was waiting for, since she rushed to the door while the others say "Welcome back Aiai!". I stood with my back to the door so I have to turn around. Just when I was about to turn around though, some weirdly familiar feeling came to me. "Where have I heard this voice before?". When I turned around, a familiar face can be seen. It was the same woman who brought me to the police station. You bet she was surprised to see me there as well. Yukki-san was about to happily introduce us to each other when I and Aiba-san said in-sync:

"It isn't necessary. We knew each other."

Yukki-san and the others were quite shocked hearing this and asked us how we knew each other beforehand. I was about to tell the wonderful story when Aiba-san shut me up with her hand and tells everyone that's nothing. "Got it!" A story like that would be embarrassing for her. So I decided to went along with her. Of course, suddenly making a cover-up story would be hard and I'm not sure if everyone bought the story but at least they stopped questioning us. Luckily, I couldn't stay long after Aiba-san showed up since the staffs came looking for my assistance, so I was dragged away as Tsumugi-san did. A quick wave was all I could give them before the corner turn. The work was not that difficult, but since there weren't many people so there was a lot of work. The day and afternoon flew by so fast that when I know it, it was already night. As a reward for my voluntary help, they said I can stay and watch the live that night. "A live performance by Yukki-san and her friends? You sure aren't overpaying me?" Of course, I didn't say that out loud but I was hyped for sure. I couldn't wait for the live to start.

How was it you ask? Well......

End of part 6.

Thank you all for reading part 6 of my fanfic. Special thanks to @Vic5 ヴィック5 for his help during the development of this chapter. As you may already know, school is coming back for me and so does Vic with his exam. So our little hobby may have to slow down or even paused depends on the situation but rest assured that I'll keep doing my best. If you want even more quality fanfic, I suggest you read Vic's fanfic. He knows what he's doing. Anyway, thank you all again for your supports and I'll see you at the end of the next chapter. Bye~

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