Part 11: Tying The Knot

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Part 11:

It has been a week since Yukki-san accepted my confession. And to be honest, things feel a little No matter what I came up with, she just went with the flow. Going out on dates or staying at home to play video games together, she just agreed with me, no question asked. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed every second of being with her. But the whole time I couldn't help but thinking something was lacking. Like all average high school boy, I talked with my best friend Vic about it. He told me that either my girlfriend was the easiest person in the world or our relationship was going in the wrong direction and would soon fall apart. Hearing this scared the hell out of me. My whole mind just went blank until Vic said that he had a solution. He suggested a DOUBLE DATE with him and his girlfriend (dun dun DUNNNNN). I was very hesitant but if this could solve my current problem I see no reason to turn this offer down. When I came back, I asked Yukki's opinion on it. She agreed surprisingly easy. I thought I would have had to do a kind of things to try and convince her to accept it. Though she accepted it, I could still sense a little bit of confusion in her eyes. She asked me why all of sudden and I just told her it will be a new experience for all of us. The date was a couple of days later, which was enough time for me to pursued her, she went from being confused to being excited. How can I tell? Well, she started taking me to clothes stores every single day before the date. I felt like a kid again, being taken to infinite different clothes stores by my mother, trying and buying anything she thought looks good on kid me. Well, I wished I had the Omnitrix because I would've appreciated the extra two arms to carry all of the clothes that Yukki bought. Every time we finished a store and the luggage increase, she just smiled, kissed me on the cheek and winked. Guess she thought it would buff me or something, but it worked so I wasn't complaining.

Time skip to a couple of days

The day finally came. Before we left, Yukki made sure that we looked perfect like her life depended on it. Although I was the one who agreed to do this I still couldn't help feeling a bit nervous. I've only begun experiencing a normal date a couple of weeks ago, the feeling was still throbbing for me. But a DOUBLE DATE!? I've never thought about it leave alone actually doing it on a whim. Well, no point thinking about it now. We arrived at the meeting point early, patiently waiting for Vic and his girlfriend.

And finally, they arrived, the couple of the hour. Vic wore some casual clothes. Black pants, a black hoodie and a white t-shirt inside. His girlfriend had short hair, brown eyes and she too wore a hoodie. Couple goals right there.

As I looked towards Yukki-san, her eyes shot wide and so did Vic's girlfriend's.



Vic and I both asked them in sync:

"Wait, you both know each other?"

And thus they explained. Yukki and Vic's girlfriend are both voice actresses for the same franchise but different bands. While Yukki played the bass and voice acted for Roselia, his girlfriend played the guitar and voice acted a character from a band called Poppin'Party.

After knowing this, Vic all of a sudden asked Yukki-san with excitement:

"Wait, you are THE Yukki-san, right? The one who plays Lisa for Roselia? Oh my god, I'm such a huge fan!"
"待って、あなたはTHE ゆっきーさんですよね?RoseliaのLisa役の方ですよね?すごい!大ファンになりました。"

All of a sudden, Vic's girlfriend pulls his hoodie.

"Vic, I know you are a huge fan and all, but don't make her uncomfortable."

Nobody Knows My Heart Like You, YukkiWhere stories live. Discover now