Thinking about it logically it makes sense, Mii-chan isn't Japanese and she is here, Albert in Class C now D is part American part Japanese.

The fact that Mii-chan is Chinese means that under the right circumstances the Japanese government will allow foreign citizens to enter this school, which leads way to me and my "sister".

Thinking about it now that this world has become exponentially more complex than the Light Novel showed I can't help but wonder, what if Mii-chan is secretly a deep cover Chinese spy? I know my theories are wild and have no evidence but as a person obsessed with books and shows I can't help but think that would be a crazy plot twist down the line even I am confident that wouldn't happen.

While ruminating I got a text from Ayanokoji, it is very rare for him to text me.

"Can we meet?"

Thinking about why he would want to meet I was quickly able to come to a conclusion, this is about the time when Ayanokoji, Arisu, Sae, and Mashima-sensei will meet up. If I remember correctly Ayanokoji talked to Arisu's father and got information about how to fight back against Tsukishiro.

In short I am guessing he wants me to participate with them, as much as I do not want to go there now I had little choice.

With that I made my way to Ayanokoji's room to meet up with him, when I got there I knocked and was met by his usual face. He let me in and still didn't nt say anything, he really isn't a talker.

Once I was in the door he closed it and handed me a piece of paper, it seems like he might have bought into the fact that the school might be able to listen into our phones for audio surveillance which I initially put forward.

Looking at the paper it was the details of when to go to the reception room for this meeting, I did not realize that today is not the day when the event they will use as cover is, it is two days from now.

He didn't say a single word and I then left his room, to be honest I am thankful I do not have to do anything else today, I have a large amount of truths to grapple with when I get back to my dorm.

When I got back I spent the rest of the night thinking about stuff, my brain was so scrambled the concept of hunger slipped my mind completely.

Like that the night and next day went by unnervingly slow, all I could think about is how I would most likely never see my parents or older sister ever again. In this world my parents died in some accident and either my older sister never existed or died with them, I didn't know if I should mourn or not.

To me MY parents and sister are still alive in my world, but here they are dead and I have a new family, it is definitely very confusing emotionally, the reality of your family dying in any world is very depressing when confronting it head on.

When the day to meet with my senseis, Ayanokoji, and Arisu came I was definitely not in a very good state. I had large black circles under my eyes and my hair was messy and unkept.

A little before I had to leave I tried to make myself look more presentable, but unfortunately the results were.... Mixed.

Since the meeting is in the school building I had to wear my uniform, and I freaking hate it, neither green nor red are my colors.

I made my way there slightly early as to not be late and arrived right after Ayanokoji, he looked the same as ever.

When he saw me he must have noticed my deteriorating appearance because he tilted his head slightly to the side, I just ignored him though, right now I am not in the mood to have him finding out all my secrets since I am sleep deprived and in emotional turmoil at the moment.

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