trouble in the medical center

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*timeskip to the morning as michiru and goji both wake up to jem in his beastman form (jem is a rooster beastman) as he does his morning alarm by doing the rooster scream*

Goji:morning michi

Michi:morning goji

*michi then goes to the window and says good morning to jem*

Michi:morning jem, it's a nice day, isn't it?

Jem:it is a beautiful day today. anyways how do you and goji like the new room,
It's nicer on the roof isn't it?

*goji and michi both reply saying "yes it is,thank you" michi then gets distracted by a huge building in the distance and shes asks*

Michi:hey jem, whats that big building over there?
(Goji then says)

Goji:honestly i was going to ask the same question

Jem:that's sylvasta medical center,it's a reasearch center and hospital run by sylvasta pharmaceuticals.

Michi:maybe they can help me with my disease


*shiro suddenly opens the door and grabs goji and michi by the back of their shirts and drags them downstairs and throws both of them inside the storage and shuts the door on them leaving them locked in the storage area next to his "office/libary" michi then screams at him through the door*

Michi:Hey! What do you think your doing? (Michi backs up before trying to running at the door to push it open)WHY,YOU!.....why won't it open? Hey! What's going on? Let us out of here!.

*on the other side of the door we see shiro place a massive desk infront of the door to keep michi and goji in the room*

Michi:Hey! Come on!

Shiro:quiet down like goji

Michi:It won't open! (Just as michi says this her ID slides under the door confusing her to which shiro says)

Shiro:I realize you're a human now.

Michi:then why are you doing this? But most importantly what did goji do?

Shiro:your very existence is dangerous, and for as why goji's there.....i just felt like throwing him in there for no reason.


Michi:What how could my existence be dangerous?

Shiro:if humans find out they might turn into beastmen, it'll cause panic.....don't come out until we find out more information....i'll bring food..

*shiro then leaves michi and goji trapped in the closet together*

Michi:What! Are you insane? This makes no sense!

Shiro:Trust me. I will protect the peace for all beastmen.

Michi:trying to sound cool doesn't make me trust you! It just sounds creepy...
*michi then tries to to open the door in which she says* Open up! I'm going to that hospital!

*as shiro says no michi loses her balance and goji catches her before she got hurt*

Goji:you good

*michi nods*

Shiro:if either of you set a single foot outside,i'll kill you

*michi and goji both respond to that by saying"So my peace means nothing?"

*shiro now has the door barracaded by a large desk a couch 2 tables,and a desk*

*shiros pov after he hears someone enter the room*

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