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Timeskip to when shirou michiru and you arrive to the beastman cooperative building after michiru said she was human while we were walking together shirou was annoyed by the fact that she said she used to be human and that we both thought everyone would always be in there beastman form and that we didn't know how to change back to our human forms but moving on from that.

(Location: beastmen cooperative building, time: night, situation:michirus is getting tested to see if shes human)

(Goji=boy, goji's pov)

Goji's mind:we arrived at this building and thats when michi got tested to see if she was human or beastmen but the test said she was beastmen but she still claimed she was a human at least a year ago and shiro said it would be impossible  but she replys by saying maybe its a new disease or something she then says just look at her id but then she digs through her pockets and then her face grows a frown

Goji:you ok michiru?

Michiru:i remembered my wallet was stolen by some monkey criminal thats when the huge screen collapsed then you appeared and saved me but without an idea theres no hope.

Goji:hey don't worry if we every find that criminal i'll get your wallet from them one way or another. I was wondering if i could try the beastman test too im curious what i am since i haven't seen a  single beastman like me

(The guy wearing glasses named jem replies)

Jem:ok but i doubt that your not a beastmen like everyone here

(He rips the marker off instead of the blue for beastmen it shows a vibrant orange a color they didn't know was possible)

Jem:hey shiro do you know anything about when test markers a orange marking i know red is human blue is beastmen but i have no clue what orange means

Shiro:idk but i'd say send it to the lab

(Jem then calls his wife melissa as he tells her whats up and she puts the test in a bag and gives it to shirou. Melissa then goes to michiru and gives her a registration to become a resident of animacity but michiru declines due to her previously stating she was human so she cant register as a beastman but she has to fill the registration then she goes to me and hands me the papers and says

Melissa:by the whats your name young man?


GOJI:i don't have a name to be really honest ive been alone all my life so never got a name...

Melissa:oh im sorry if i brought up bad memories

Goji: its alright....but if you need a name just put y/n and for the last name put serizawa and i would prefer if you guys just call me goji...

Melissa:ok goji now if you want you can fill it out in the morning but by the look of michiru and you i think you should get some sleep here follow me...oh im sorry goji your injured i can get you crutches if you would like?

*michi walks up to you and helps you walk to the smaller room where two beds are on the ground set up, michi helps you sit down you thank her for helping you walk which she says no problem and thats when melissa returns with one crutch since one of your arms are injured you thank her too then she says

Melissa:im sorry you two have to sleep in the same room but we haven't finished cleaning the big room yet anyways if you need anything shiro is on the other side of that door and as you can see the beds are set up

Michiru: i would sleep outside so this is plenty

Goji:thank you mrs melissa this is the first time ill ever sleep in a bed that isn't  the ocean floor

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