Speaking of my health Nardy brought me to the doctors for a check up and then I had to get tested for STD's I may have contracted from my life living with Mama.

Thank fuck I am clean. What a relief that was.

I never even considered the possibility that there is a chance I could've gotten really sick from... that. I mean my mind was clearly elsewhere but I could've easily gotten very sick and then there is a chance I wouldn't of met Nardo, or Logan.

Me and Logan are officially dating but no one knows yet. Well besides our friends and her little brother Malcom who I call turd face. Neither of our parents know we are dating.

I guess there is the fear of Nardo kicking me out for being gay. I genuinely don't believe he would do that, I think it's just the stupid lady in my head who's name is Tina just trying to fuck with me.

I kick the leaves as I continue down the street. I can see our building from here so I know that I can chill on the couch until the inevitable. That being Nardos wrath.

However, I stop dead in my tracks when I hear small whines of an animal coming from in-between the corner store and one of the hotels in the area called Best Western.

I highly doubt it's the 'best' but whatever.

Me being me, the stupid, dumb, idiot I am, I slowly make my way towards the whines. The alleyway is dark but not too dark where I can't see anything.

As I step closer towards the box I see it moving indicating something is alive inside.

I guess the whines don't give it away then.

Shut it Tina.

Crouching down I hesitantly open the box. Inside are two of the most fluffiest puppies I have ever seen in my life. They are so little and their bums move back and forth, their tails wagging like crazy at the sight of me.

"Hi babies!" I coo at my dogs. I check their genders (not in a perv way) and I am happily pleased to find out that one is a boy and the other is a girl.

They continue whining in excitement and I immediately become attached. Placing the boy under one arm and the girl under my other I start my walk home.

"We are going home my fur babies! We are gonna get you both a nice bed and fancy collars. I will feed you two until you are nice and chunky and then you can nap all day long! Sounds like a plan?" I question them in a babyish voice not expecting any sort of reply. My fur babies deserve to be loved and cared for. Plus they are too adorable not to love. The girl licks my hand in approval.

When I reach the building the doorman who I have become best buddies with smirks when he sees the two new additions to the Giovanni household. "Skipping school and bringing two puppies home Ms. Giovanni?" He clicks his tongue with a joking tone in his voice.

"You know it Pablo! It's been too boring up there lately, I have to add some drama to Nardos life." I push my dogs out for him to pet and he gives them a few ear scratches.

"I will pray for you Ms. Giovanni." He chuckles going back to his job as I go to the elevator. Seeing as there is a private elevator for our penthouse floor, I know that the doors won't open until we get upstairs so I place my babies on the ground letting them roam. My phone starts to ring and I sharply inhale.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck."Hey Nard-"

"Why did I get a call saying you haven't showed up to third or fourth period?" He fumes on the other end of the line.


"Because I am not at school." I state like it's the most obvious th-

"Yes, thank you smart ass I quite got that. My next question is why the fuck are you not at school?" Oh he's mad, mad.

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