Knuckles' Birthday

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February 2nd is groundhog's day and it's also Knuckles' birthday.

He's the guardian of the master emerald he always protect it on angel island.

They were hitting the piñata and got candy. 

They all had cake and ice cream.

Knuckles opened his presents from his friends and caretakers.

He got punching bag and gloves bolo tie anime plush master emerald alarm system and monster truck toys.

After that it was time for the challenge it's called Free Fallin.

Total Drama teens were going against Mobian teens and kids.

Chris explained the rules of the challenge.

"Each team starts the challenge on a raised platform. One at a time, team drop from a three-step structure down into a net. After all members from a team finish the net drop and assemble on a mat, they proceed to the next stage, climb stairs to another platform, perform a balance beam walk, and cross a rope bridge. The first team to reach their mat and raise their flag wins."

"It's looks high from here." Alice said.

"Oh chaos I don't like heights." Julia said looking scared.

"This is the high fall make sure you keep your hands to your chest and land on your back on the net." Benny explained.

"Why?" Gold asked.

"So you don't break your arm." answered Benny.

"Is everybody ready."



Everyone went one at a time jumping off the platform and onto the net.

Total Drama teens did lose their shoe on the net.

Mobian kids and teens were faster then total drama teens.

Trent took a faceplant on the net.

"Oof that's a faceplant."

"I'm okay."

Sonic saw Amy falling keeping her hands to her chest and landed on her back on the net.

"Nice landing Amy."

"Thanks Sonic."

Samey jumped off the platform and falls hard on her hands.

She did hear a bone crack in her arm.


"Remember keep your hands to your chest."

"Go Samey go." said Jasmine.

"We need to catch up mobians are already ahead of us on the mat." said Jo.

Samey was thirsting her hand.

Her twin sister Amy was getting impatient with her.

"Hurry up slowpoke we're losing!"


Mobians were climbing the stairs to another platform.

Mobians were already walking on the balance beam.

 Total Drama teens were catching up.

Samey with a serious injury holding her wrist.

Julia was keeping her balance she did very good.

Mobians were in the lead.

"We're doing great guys." Knuckles said.

"Samey are you ok."

"I don't think i can do it my wrist hurts."

Chris did overhear what she said.


Teens and kids did stop.

"What happened?" Shawn asked.

"Samey hurt her wrist." Carrie explained.

Chris took Samey to his car and took her to the hospital.

Chris came back 10 minutes later Samey was getting her x-ray to check her wrist.

"I'm back everyone do you want to continue the challenge."


The challenge did continue they walked on the balance beam.

They cross a rope bridge.

Total drama teens have reached to the mat and raise their flag.

"Total Drama teens wins."

Total Drama teens cheered in victory.

Mobians were not happy.

"No fair!" Julia exclaimed.

"Relax Julia it's just a game." said Kathrin.

"We win some lose some."

Everyone was having pizza for dinner.

Julia was spending time with Sonic and friends.

She was playing video games with them.

"Did you have a good birthday."

"Yes Julia i had a good birthday i really like my gifts and had fun at the challenge."

"I'm glad you're happy."

Later that night just before everyone goes to bed Benny told teens and kids to come to the living room to have a talk.

"Let make give you update on Samey some good news and some bad news."

"The good news is she's doing fine she's in good spirts the bad news is her wrist is broken in few places it will required surgery."

"Poor Samey." said everyone.

"We are going to visit her in the hospital tomorrow." Annette asked.

"Yes we're going to visit her tomorrow." 

"I thought you hate hospitals." Scourge asked.

"I'm just going to visit her that's all."

"That's nice."

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