Sonic And Friends Goes To The Doctor

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Julia and her friends brings the kids to the local clinic for medical checkups. All of the kids are healthy. Dr. Quack measures each of their heights and check their weight.

Dr. Quack used stethoscope to listen to their lungs.

Sonic and friends took deep breaths.

[Breathes in and out]

Then he check their heart.

[Heart beats]

Their heart beat is regular.

"Wow our heartbeat sounds like a drum." said Manic.

"Yeah it does sound like a drum." said Dr. Quack.

Dr. Quack check their blood pressure.

Sonic and friends did feel a squeeze on their arm.

Their blood pressure is fine.

Dr. Quack used tongue depressor to take a look at their tongue.

Everything looks good.

Dr. Quack used otoscope to check their ears.

"Looks okay in there."

 Dr. Quack checked their knees with reflex hammer.

Last by not least he checked their temperature.

Their temperature is fine.

Sonic and friends were very brave.

"You kids did great." said Miyu.

"We're proud of you." said Alice.

Dr. Quack give the kids a lollipop.

Sonic and friends did say thank you to the doctor.

Back at the daycare Sonic and friends were chilling out.

They were looking at comic books.

"Going to the doctor's isn't so bad after all." said Sonic.

"I'll say." said Tails.

"We're picture of health." said Knuckles.

"Remember last week Julia and Alice went to the hospital to get their cast removed."

"Oh yeah."

"Julia can move her right arm again."

"Alice can walk again."

"They were acting like themselves again."

"Getting hurt isn't any fun."

"I know right."

"Rodney was flirting with female doctors he really loves women."

"He sure does."

"He's like a big teddy bear." said Amy.

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