The Breakfast Club

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Sydeny Alicia Miles Patch and Rotor ended up in detention on a Saturday because they started a food fight in the school cafeteria.

"Well, this is a great way to spend a Saturday." said Rotor.

"I never had detention before." said Sydney.

"I'm kind of nervous." said Miles.

"If you hadn't start food fight we wouldn't be here." said Alicia.

Miles frowned.

"That jerk spilled milk on me."

"You got revenge by throwing mashed potatoes at him."

"The food fight started because of you."

"Uh, give him a break." said Patch

"Yeah, it's not Miles' fault."

"Hey who's in charge of the detention anyway?" Boomer asked.

Just then Vice Principal Adler arrived.

"Morning waz-bags."

"Detention is that way, in the library. Get ready for the worst day of your lives."

 [Pointing to the right towards library]

They all went to the library.

[In the library]

"Well well it's 7:06 am at Mobius you clowns are gonna sit here all day, and think about why you're in detention."

"Now, cellphones, let's have them."

"Why?" Miles asked.

"Because in detention, there are no phone calls."

"What about texting?" Patch asked.




"Can we play Among Us."

"Zip it!" yelled Mr. Alder.

[Alder holds a box as students get up and put their cellphones in the box.]

"Now I'm gonna put your box of phones right here."

[Placed in a box right next to where they are sitting]

Sydney raised her hand

"What? princess."

"I was just wondering what the plan is for lunch?"

"If you pre-turds get hungry, there's a big plate of tuna right here."

Suppression Squad was not interested of tuna salad.

"Eat the tuna salad or starve! i could care less."

"You kids stay in detention until 4:00 p.m."

He leaves the library and rarely comes back.

Suppression Squad was sitting there looking all bored.

Suppression Squad sneaks into the hallway, while Sydney retrieves the packet of tacos from her locker. Mr. Alder is wandering the halls, but Suppression Squad is trying to get back to the library without being caught by him. They soon stop when they come across a wet floor.

Back at the library they had tacos for lunch.

While eating tacos they were having a conversation.

"Did you hear that Roblox has become illegal in Mobius."

"I know it's all over the news."

"From now on we're playing games made by Sega and Nintendo."

They talk about their parents and question whether or not they will end up like them someday.

After they have a good time dancing in the library.

Sydney looked at her watch.

"Hey guys it's 4 o'clock we're free from detention."

They all grabbed their cell phones from the box.

Miles was writing a letter to Mr. Alder after writing the letter he put sincerely, the breakfast club.

"Come on guys let's go home play video games."


They walked out of the school.

The episode ends with a freeze-frame of Sydney raising her fist while walking to the car.

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