Unfair Ball

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Dr. Eggman told everyone to go to the diamond stadium for a game of baseball.

"Come on everyone we're going to diamond stadium."

[Sonic and his friends head right towards the stadium.]

Dr. Eggman was there with his teammates.

"Heh-heh-heh! Well, if it isn't the little rascals."

"Dr. Eggman!" shouted Tails.

"You can't be serious! You do know what will happen if Dr. Eggman wins, don't you? He won't be just winning the game, but the Chaos Emeralds, too. If Eggman wins this game, it'll mean nothing but catastrophe for all of us." Knuckles said.

"I'd say that's nothing but stinking thinking!"

"C'mon, Knuckles, don't you wanna play?"

"Don't be chicken!"

"Me? Chicken?!"

"Perhaps Knuckie is simply afraid to play a game of baseball!" Rouge teased.

Afraid?! I'm not afraid of anything!"

"Great! Then you'll play, huh?"

Knuckles was annoyed but he agreed to play in the baseball team. 

"Alright! You asked for it! You want a team player, I'll give you a team player! Let's get this game on!"

"That's the spirt Knuckles." said Julia.

The match between Sonic's team and Eggman's team finally starts, with Sonic's team to bat and Eggman's team to field.

Eggette throws the ball right at a superfast speed.

Tails tried to hit the ball with the bat but it made a hole in it.

"Are you kidding me!"

"That's your fastball."

"Cheater." said Annette.

After Tails was safe on the base.

Amy was next to bat but instead of an actual bat, she uses her piko piko hammer.

While Amy is able to hit a powerful shot.

Sonic's team cheer on.

"We might not lose after all."

"She got this in the bag." 

[A Ballios fielder throws another Ballios fielder into the air and catches it.]

"She's out." Metal Sonic called.

"Huh?! But I thought..."

Dr. Eggman laughed.

"Now I'll show 'em what I can do. I'm a much better pitcher anyway." said Amy.

[Amy pitches and the batting Ballios misses while one of the other Ballios robots starts running on the field to the base where Tails is. It extends its legs to leap over a wide distance onto the base.]


"Losing isn't fun..."

"I agree with you Tails."

[The ball is thrown and the Ballios batter strikes the ball away.]

"And it's out of the park!"

[Sonic runs to the top of the stadium scoreboard and catches it.]

"Home run. Home run."

"You caught it, Sonic, but if it's outside the fence, it doesn't count." Dr. Kintobor explained.

"Ugh! Who says we gotta play by the rules anyway?! Cut me some slack!"

[The next inning begins with Amy batting a pitch which hits Eggette in the groin.]

"Sorry, that's a hit!"

[Knuckles bats the pitch, resulting in a home run.]

[Sonic's team cheers on.]

"Way to go Knuckles."

Team Sonic is catching up so far.

It was Cream's turn to bat.

She did get ball four that means she takes her base.

"That was easy for a rabbit." Shadow said.

"It's her first time playing." said Blaze.

The bases were loaded.

"Come on Knuckles get a home run!"

[Knuckles hits another home-run shot.]

"Alright, Knuckles! Another home-run!"

"That means we're tied!"

Team Sonic were giving each other a high five.

Caretakers teens kids and babies were catching a fowl ball and home run in the crowd.

Team Sonic was in the lead.

So far Dr. Eggman's team has two outs so far if they get a third out the scores are 36 and 35 that means Team Sonic is going to win the game.

"This is it guys only two outs and Sonic and friends are going to win the game."

"We cannot let villains win this time." 

"We got this in the bag."

Eggette hit the ball.

The kids looked at the ball flying into the crowd.

They going to catch it with their baseball glove.

"I got it!" they chanted.

Mario was proposing to his girlfriend but before Princess Peach could say yes the ball hit her on the head knocking her out.

Jerry looked at his glove the ball was on his glove.

"I caught the ball!"

"Hey everybody i caught the fowl ball for the first time."

"You caught the fowl ball." said Oliver.

"Yes i did."

"Wow that's amazing."

The kids and babies were happy for Jerry.

"Oh my chaos Eggette hit Princess Peach in the head with a ball."

"Talk about headshot."

"It's only a fowl ball we're still going to win the game."

"That's true."

Eggette hit the ball.

Shadow caught the ball and she is out.

"Team Sonic wins."

Sonic and friends cheered.

They got the chaos emeralds.

"All right everyone we got all 7 chaos emeralds."


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