Driver's License

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There is one thing about teenagers when they turn sixteen two words driver's license.

Taking a driver's test is not as fun as you think.

It's all started out when Julia and Akari walked into the living room just then Benny blew the whistle at them.

Julia covered her ears from the sound of the whistle.

"Why did you blow the whistle at us?" Akari asked.

"Because you failed to stop at the stop sign." Benny explained.

"And why is there a stop sign in the living room." Julia asked.

"Because I'm about to help you prepare for your driver's test."

"Did all the teens got their driver's license." Akari asked.

"Yes all of them have their driver's license even you Akari."

"Oh yeah my examiner doesn't like teenagers she's such a grouch."

"Now it's Julia's turn to do the driving test."

"I have study the rules of the road the night before."

"Excellent sounds like you're ready for the driving test."

At the Department Of Motor Vehicles Julia was a bit nervous about driving test.

"You can do it." said Sonic.

"Yeah you got this." said Amy.

Jerry was saluting to examiners.

Pandora turned to Jerry.

"Jerry this is Department Of Motor Vehicles all right not the navy." Pandora said.

"Quit saluting people." said Monty.

"It's not like we're members of G.U.N." said Tony.

Just then the examiner name Mr. Lightfoot looked at the clipboard to find Julia's name on it.

"Julia the hedgehog?"

"Yes it is me Julia the hedgehog."

"Are you ready for your diving test."

"I'm ready i have been studying the rules of road and i also played racing games."

"Good for you."

Julia got in the car put on her seatbelt.

Mr. Lightfoot put his seatbelt on as well.

"Akari Alan Maria and Molly keep an eye on the kids and keep them entertained."

"You count on us."

"Good luck on your driving test."


Julia did a good job exiting the parking lot.

First he told her to turn right.

She made a right turn.

Julia was off to good start she stopped at the red light and the stop sign.

"All right Julia there's an ambulance coming, why aren't you pulling over?"

"Because it's a divided highway so technically I'm not required to pull over for an oncoming ambulance."


During the test she did turned on the signal.

She was keeping her eyes on the road which is very important.

She drove for 15 minutes.

Back at the DMV Mr. Lightfoot looked at his clipboard.

"Well Julia looks you passed."

"I did."

"Yep you stop at the red light and the stop sign you also wear your seatbelt you turned on the signal you kept your eyes on the road you were staying calm while driving and you obeyed the speed limit sign."

Julia got her driver's license that means she can drive the daycare bus.

Everyone was proud of her.

"I'm glad you passed the driving test."

"Yeah you were a good driver."

"Aw thanks guys."

"You're just like Vin Diesel."

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