Chapter X [10] - Useful or Useless

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He put it in a different pile and set it aside. He went to reach for his phone and noticed that something "What the hell..?" He asked himself, as he started searching for his phone. After a few minutes of searching, he found it and saw loads of notifications from Bad. He decided to shrug it off and wait a few minutes to open them. As he waited, he kept hearing them go off. 

"Oh my f****** god, who is texting me so much." He opened the notifications to see what they were about.  Of course it was all fanart, but he noticed something that seemed off about this one users fanart. He took a closer look at it to see that it was Bads signature. "How the hell did they get his signature, better yet his fanart-" He asked himself, observing it closer. "There's no way this is his alt account." He said, as he put his phone down. 

He shrugged it off and looked through the papers some more. "Huh, nothing left I guess." He put the rest back in his backpack and looked at the one he put aside. "I'll read it later, it looks pretty long." He put it on his table and left the room. He went to his computer, opened discord and saw a lot of missed calls from Bad. He saw that he was still online, so he decided to call him. He waited and waited as his discord rang. After a few minutes, Bad picked up.

"Bad, Bad, are you there!?!" Bad didn't respond. "He's just trolling" Skeppy thought as he kept asking. Eventually he stopped asking and just muted himself. "God, why would Bad answer and not talk?" he thought, as he continued to put the papers away. A few minutes later, he answered. "Bad? Are you there?" Skeppy asked, as he got impatient. "Mhm.." his voice sounded shakey, like he'd been crying or upset. "Are you okay? You don't sound too great." Skeppy said, and not a moment later Bad told him everything. 

"Skeppy I don't know what happened but a lot of my papers have gone missing. Those were very important to me, and very private as well. I just wanted to call you to see if you knew about the situation, but I don't know." Skeppy tried to calm him down but he started to tear up, and Skeppy could tell from the tone of his voice. "Skeppy...those papers meant everything to me. It's how I let out my emotions and keep track of everything going on. I trust you enough to tell me if you knew anything about it, but please, for all of the muffins don't lose our trust Skeppy."

Skeppy sat in his chair in silence. He didn't get the chance to respond before Bad started speaking again. "What am I even thinking, you'd never do that to me. I have to get going now, I love you Skeppy." And with that, Bad left the vc. Skeppy then left and started to rethink what he'd done. 

"I am such a bad friend, what was I even thinking? Taking his personal sh*t, godddddd why am I like this???" he put the papers in a place where he'd never find them again. He tried to forget the whole thing, but he suddenly felt useless. He stole his best friends personal stuff, and now is going to act like nothing happened. 

Bads POV:

As he left the vc, he started to cry again. It wasn't a heavy cry, it was just a small cry of regret and confusion. "What did I just do..." He asked, as he looked at Skeppy's discord status. "He's still online? Maybe I can message him again and apologize for accusing him in the first place. He called Skeppy, and he answered. "Hello?" Skeppy said, annoyed and scared. "Skeppy I just wanted to say sorry for accusing you in the first place. YOu're my best friend and I know you'd never take anything that was personal or had anything to do with me, without my permission. I'm just paranoid and..confused. A little bit scared as well. I just wanted to tell you that in the vc, since you might not have believed me through a message." 

Skeppy paused for a minute before he told him the truth. "Bad, promise you won't be mad?" Bad was a bit confused, but he agreed. "Okay fine you muffinhead, I promise I will not be mad." Skeppy took a deep breath and told him what he'd done. "When you left me alone one of the nights I went into your room, found your diary entrees and a bunch of other things and I took them home with me. I didn't think they meant that much to you, and I can return them..just please don't be mad-" He cut off his sentence. "You did WHAT." 

Skeppy could hear the pain in his voice. He didn't know what to say, so he stayed silent. "Skeppy, snooping through my stuff is one thing, but TAKING MY PERSONAL ITEMS?! I can't believe you." Skeppy still didn't know what to say, so he continued to stay silent. "You know, I can't believe we were ever friends. Fuck you Skeppy." After he said that, he left the vc, and so did Skeppy. 

His dms wouldn't stop going off. Relentlessly he opened them, and, of course, they were all from Skeppy. He read them 1 by 1.





So this is how you want things to go, huh?

You want our relationship to just..end like that?

Over something as stupid as some "personal Diary"

I can't believe you right now.

You cursed me out, you cursed in general. 

You're dead serious, aren't you?

I messed it all up, didn't I?

It all started with a meetup, and now it has lead to our friendship being ruined, all because of my selfish actions. Why didn't I see this coming sooner?

You know, you really mean a lot to me. If you want to block me, or never message me again, feel free to. I deserve nothing but hate right now. I invaded your privacy.  I f*cked over your mental state, and your mental abilities. Physical ones too. I love you Bad, but I know you hate me.

Consider this a formal goodbye. 

Bad then closed the dm and tried to continue on with his day. "Was I too harsh on him?" Bad tried to dm Skeppy, but he hesitated. He looked at the messages once more, and realized what he'd done. He decided to make another art piece to see if it would cheer him up. He still couldn't get his mind off of what had just happened. He felt useless, like a blade of grass in a field full of it. 

The room went silent for a minute. "God, what have I done.."

Our Story. // Skephalo // Book OneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt