"That doesn't sound like something she would do."

Niall shrugged, "She wants you to be happy, Harry. I figured she went out of her way and talked to Louis just to giggle and blush over you two tonight."

"Shouldn't you be the one making her blush?"

"I make her do more than that every night."

Harry held up his hand, "Don't need or want any details."

Niall grinned, "I'll happily listen to details of you and Louis after it happens."

"No deal. My sex life is my sex life."

"And yet you tell me about your sibian and precious jacking off time."

Harry flipped him off, "Go to hell, Niall."

"If I'm going down then I'm taking you with me."

Ophelia happened to walk through the door with Louis laughing at something he said. The sight of Louis had Harry's stomach twisting. He would never get used to how gorgeous Louis was and how lucky he felt to have him in his life. He could only hope that things went up from where they were and he actually got to be with Louis in every way possible.

"Hi, Harry."

Harry stood up and walked over to him, "Hi, Louis. It's lovely to have you here."

Louis smiled at him, "Yeah?"

Harry couldn't stop himself from blushing, "Yes. I'm happy Ophelia invited you. Dinner should be ready in a few moments so I hope you're hungry."

"Starving actually."

Harry looked into Louis's eyes and was about to fall to his knees right there. The older man was just sinful to look at and Harry really wanted nothing more than to worship him and do whatever Louis asked.

That definitely wasn't going slow, Harry thought.

"You two come out here and sit down!" Niall shouted, "Dinner is ready!"

Louis held out his hand, "Where do you want to sit?"

Harry blushed and put his hand in Louis's, "Next to you."

Niall and Ophelia put the plates on the table, gave everyone a drink, and served them even when Louis argued it.

"Consider this a double date by the way." Niall said.

Harry glared at him, "What?"

Niall stayed silent but pointed his finger at Ophelia who had her back to him so she couldn't see him.

Harry rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink, "So neither Louis or myself was warned about this being a double date."

"I was." Louis told him, "Ophelia told me earlier."

Harry could see her face turn red, "Lia, why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know if you'd agree to it." She blushed, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm glad Louis is here. Thank you."

Louis squeezed his knee under the table and Harry about flung the fork to the ceiling. His hand hit the table that hard but neither Niall or Ophelia seemed to notice. They were too busy getting their plate together and talking to each other to notice anything Harry was doing.

"You okay?" Louis whispered.

"Fine." Harry squeaked.

Louis had no idea what he did to Harry. He had no idea that Harry would probably spend two hours getting off before falling asleep that night.

Virgin. // Larry Stylinson.Where stories live. Discover now