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Upon arrival to Kalee, Flanker and Strider unloaded their gear off the LAAT Gunship. The gunship took off and headed back to the Venator while Flanker and Strider began setting up camp. It was almost sundown, and come nightfall, Flanker and Strider would start their hunt for Braek Jykim. They started setting up their tents and placing the supply crates filled with M.R.E.'s and Ammo in between their two tents. After setting up, the two began to move in the direction they believed Braek to be. Tonight would be nothing more than a scouting and reconnaissance mission to learn his usual routine. After making their way through the darkness, Flanker and Strider came to the edge of the ridge and saw his castle, it was well hidden, but for the Nightmares, it seemed like an easy target. After cloaking, they moved closer to the edge and began to view the routine of Braek, they looked through their goggles and ranged the closest point of the castle to be 182.88 meters down in the canyon. A few hours later, after observations and note-taking, the Nightmare's packed their gear, uncloaked, and started headed back to the tents, but on their way back came across a small tribe of Kaleesh that were roaming the area, Flanker and Strider were spotted and the tribe starts to attack the two Echelons. Flanker and Strider quickly raised their blasters and began to fire upon the Kaleesh with their DC-18TPM's with the hopes of not alerting the nearby castle. The Kaleesh closed in and started to swing their spears at Flanker and Strider, quickly the two ducked and grabbed the spears and flipped them onto the ground, once they hit the ground the Kaleesh let go of their spears from the force of the impact, and Flanker and Strider quickly swung the spears around stuck them into the Kaleesh warriors. They pulled the spears out and took defensive positions. Three more warriors sprinted up and engaged in melee combat with Flanker and Strider! The clashing of spears echoed across the canyon top, the third warrior swung his spear and hit Flanker in the shin, but the Echelon armor being so thick and strong Flanker did not feel it and the spear bent. The Kaleesh looked up and as he did Flanker punched him across his face and knocked him to the ground, he then spun the spear around and stuck it into the main Kaleesh he was engaged with prior while Strider shortly after swiped the legs out from under the Kaleesh warrior he was fighting then stabbed him in the neck with his vibroblade. Strider then grabbed the Kaleesh laying on the ground and put him in binders. Flanker then killed the other Kaleesh by swinging the spear and cutting diagonally across the warrior's face. When Flanker looked up he saw two Kaleesh turning around and running off, Flanker raised his DC-18TPM and fired two shots at the Kaleesh killing them. Strider picked up the detained Kaleesh and followed Flanker as he walked over to the two dead bodies of the Kaleesh and checked to make sure they were deceased. After confirming the two Kaleesh were dead they made their way back to camp with the other Kaleesh warrior. Once arriving back they began to interrogate him, but the Kaleesh being a proud species and warrior took his own life rather than give up any information.

The Echelons - 228th Black Skulls- A Star Wars Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें