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"It's time," Flanker said to Strider. Strider was excellent in the Echelon Program and a seasoned Nightmare, but Flanker still had more to teach him. It was time for Strider to learn the interrogation and torture technics that the 228th Black Skulls were so well known for, well, at least by their prisoners. Strider nodded and followed Flanker down to the deep keeps where the prisoners are on Moraband. They had already arrived back to Moraband since Operation: Dynamite and transferred any prisoners from the Venator. They opened up one of the cells and pulled out one of the inmates. He was a viscous Trandoshan who had killed many young Jedi who took a wrong turn outside the Jedi temple. He was also responsible for taking part in a large-scale genocide of many Twi'lek people. It was Flanker's job to find out who tasked him with this mission and why. They fought and struggled with the snarling Trandoshan while trying to get him into the interrogation room. Managing to get him into the room, Flanker punched him hard in the gut. Strider then flung him onto the table and put the first strap on around his neck. Flanker followed up by strapping down his legs then after his arms. Strider walked over to Flanker and said, "Soooo... what's our next step here?" Flanker looked over at him and said, "pain." Flanker then proceeded to take a tool and stick it under the Trandoshan's scales and started peeling them off causing the Trandoshan to hiss and snarl out in pain. Flanker handed the tool to Strider and told him to keep going until the Trandoshan talked. After some time Strider improved and was becoming more effective. Still refusing the talk, eventually, all scales were ripped off the Trandoshan. It was time for the next step, Flanker grabbed a syringe and filled it was a red liquid with orange specs throughout it. Strider wasn't familiar with the substance but watched intently as Flanker took it and stuck it into the arm of the Trandoshan and injected the fluid. Flanker and Strider watched as the fluid spread throughout the Trandoshan's veins causing them to glow as they spread. The Trandoshan hissed as the fluid spread then snarled as the burning sensation began, the reptilian's skin appeared to be bubbling slightly then eventually small popping sounds could be heard. Strider watched intently never seeing this level methods taken in person before, but he got excited, he had heard the stories of the 228th's other methods and he looked forward to learning them all. Flanker took a blade and began slicing the skin that had bubbled off the layer below it, quickly skinning the Trandoshan. After a couple of quick seconds, the Trandoshan hissed and said in his growlish voice with pain in his tone, "OoOkay! I'll talk! I'll tell you anything" he snarls again and lets out a short heavy breath of air. Flanker stops and looks straight at the Trandoshan, his helmet visor glowing red in the dimly lighted room. The Trandoshan looks at him and says, "I was hired by a Kaleesh named Braek Jykim." Strider looked over to Flanker and said to him through their encryption modulators, "there's definitely more that he's not telling us." Flanker agreed then punched the Trandoshan right below the sternum causing him to lose his breath and hiss in pain. The Trandoshan caught his breath and said "He wanted to cause chaos he has no reason but he pays well so I took the job he's located on Kalee you will find him there, he lives in a castle with tons of guards you'll never get to h-" Flanker punch him in the mouth and nose knocking him out. Strider and Flanker looked at each other and nodded, they grabbed their gear and went to their bases hanger to start preparations for their trip to Kalee.

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