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Y/n's POV

I awoke to the assuming sound of Childe making his way back to the Suite. If I'm being honest I didn't even realize that he left. Oh well, I thought. I got some rest that I deserved. I yawned and fluttered my eyes a bit, feeling the blankets draped over my body and within seconds I pushed them off. I was still wearing my clothes from earlier. Yet something didn't sit right with me. My stomach turned, not from my wound and my mind raced. Then it hit me. I wondered what Childe was up to? Did he even want to see me after this morning? Probably not. But anyways I shifted my weight off my bed and stood up. 

The room felt somewhat brighter than before, as if someone had finally figured out how to turn up those dim lights. But I guessed it was all in my head. The classic Liyue style architecture calmed me in a way that I couldn't really describe. Was it possible that I was becoming comfortable here? It'd only been two days?

I tried to be as stealthy as possible when sneaking into the living room in order to reach the kitchen on the other side. If those noises I heard were truly Childe coming back then I definitely didn't want to disturb him. But it seemed I was a little late for that. There he was, smack dab in the center of the room staring right at me.

"Hey, (y/n) you don't have to cook anything if you don't want. I brought you dumplings from that place you worked, Wanmin restaurant!" Childe exclaimed the second I left the bedroom and was in the living area. I took a deep breath before responding to him. Was he really not mad at me? I mean he even thought enough to get me food. This definitely wasn't normal of the fatui. Or maybe he wasn't normal of the fatui.

"Thanks!" I piped up. "You didn't have to." I ended.

"No no, I wanted to. (Y/n), come sit with me." He more told then asked me. But I felt my body begin it's course to the couch where I'd sit down next to Childe. "Look (y/n). I know I messed up and when you make a mistake; you apologize. I forced your hand in this and I regret it solely. I took away your job, your home, and your life. Then I had the audacity to be angry when you lost your temper. I was just pushing you." He continued.

"C-Childe-." I started.

"No, I want to continue." He interrupted me. "I don't know your past, I know only the bits and pieces you've shed light on and even if you've had a bad experience with the fatui then, please don't think of me the same. I want to show you how much kindness I have because you deserve it. That's all I wanted to say. So if you'll forgive me-." That's when I took my turn interrupting him with a hug.

I just couldn't help it. This was the first person in a while to take my feelings and legitimize them. I'm some respect it felt like he understood my pain and wanted to help heal it. It made my eyes well up in his arms. He felt so warm to the touch and almost a second after my arms wrapped around him, his arms did the same. He had one hand on my back and the other on the back of my head and we stayed like that for a few minutes just embraced in each other.

"That's a-all I've ever wanted Childe." I spoke softly. "For someone to take time to understand my feelings. I've been alone for so long." It was then when I burst into full blown tears. I couldn't stop the flow of water from my eyes. Since my parents died and my siblings abandoned me, I had been left alone all along. In my mind I started to think. Maybe jumping down that day to meet that tall ginger man in the terrace was the best thing that'd ever happened to me.

I could feel Childe holding me a little tighter to his chest. He must have realized I was crying. "Well you don't have to be alone any longer (y/n)." He whispered into my shoulder.

"Thank you." I whispered back. Never in my dizziest daydreams did I think I'd ever find comfort in the heart of a fatui harbinger.

"Hey." He uttered softly while finally letting go of me. "I think your food's probably getting cold."

"Oh yes!" I exclaimed. "I forgot about that completely. Not to mention I'm starving." I chuckled and made my way over to the kitchen where the dumplings Childe had left me laid on the counter.

Maybe being with Childe wasn't as bad as I thought it was. The only thing that worried me is what would come after this? After the death of Rex Lapis was solved and Liyue was again at peace. Would life ever be the same again after meeting Childe? Probably not.

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