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I guess it was unavoidable at this point. There was no lying about it. No point either.

"Just who are you?" He continued to question.

"It's not your business. But you're right, I do come from Sneznaya." I calmly stated.

"I mean of course you do. With cooking like that. I'd be impressed if you weren't from Sneznaya. So anyways where are you from, which village?" He continued and I'll admit this struck a cord with me and I think he noticed that, but there was no point not to tell him the truth. As long as he didn't ask about that.

"My village burned a couple years back and that was when I came to Liyue." There he doesn't have to know that it was my parents and I who burned it down. He doesn't have to know that my parents were old fatui harbingers. Or that I...nevermind.

"I-I'm sorry to hear that." Childe stuttered. Probably realizing it was a fatui operation, and thinking that's where my distrust came from. It was a lot better if he didn't know the truth. "Well on another note I think Aether should return from meeting the adepti within the next day or so." Childe added.

"Oh, uh that's good I guess." I still was in my own head but also I didn't know what Aether's return would mean for me, would that be the end of the story. Would the adepti come and sort things out? Was it bad that I didn't want this to end just yet?

I wouldn't admit it to Childe but I was having fun on our journey together. Was I pissed the hell off that I no longer have the life I took years to create for myself all because of a member from the same organization I was running from? Yes. Yes I was. But was I happy to have made two almost friends. That was also a yes.

"So I have to keep looking for those sigils of permission while Aether is still away." Childe spoke up after finishing his meal. "If you're not still hurt then we can go, but I don't want to keep you cooped up here all day." He continued.

"I'm fine don't worry about me." It was the moment I said that, that of course my wound decided to act up. "Oww!" I winced.

"(Y/n)!" Childe gasped. "You're bleeding, here lay down on the couch, I'll check you out." Childe stood up from the table and lent his hand and arm for me to grasp to while we walked over to the couch. I laid out on the couch and Child lifted my shirt. "It seems your cut opened up." He then gestured towards the wound on my stomach. "Here, I'll go get some wound dressing."

"Childe, I'm fine really, I don't need your help!" I called while trying to sit up. My wound was making me aggravated. "I especially don't need help from fatui scum." I added which didn't sit right with him.

"Fine. I'll help you because I'm a good perso-" he started

"You think you're a good person, how could anyone believe that, does your family know what you're up to?" I mocked after seeing and pointing to a picture of Childe and his family. It was obvious he kept his family close to him. I didn't understand why I was being aggressive like this, if it was just the wound or was I still hurt from having to actually admit to someone my past. I didn't trust him one bit and I was angry that I let him get close to me.

"Shut up (y/n)! One more word and you're out!" He hollered across the room.

"I never wanted to be here in the first place!" I kept going.

"Just relax and shut up!" Childe said as he approached the couch and touched my stomach with the gauze. He applied pressure and I just sighed. I knew after my words I'd be lucky if he let me stay. It wasn't like he was obligated to or anything. "I know I said I didn't want to keep you cooped up today, but I think you should rest while I go out looking for the sigils. For both our sakes." He added after the bleeding had just about stopped. I rolled my eyes. "Keep this gauze on while I'm gone okay? And replace it when needed."

"You sound like you actually care Childe watch out." I commented and he looked me in the eyes.

"It's because I do." He calmly said.

I sighed as I watched him get up and leave. He was a pain in the ass. But I guess I was one too. After the things I said, I'm sure our friendship if you could even call it that had taken a toll for the worst.

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