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A couple days passed before Aether made his return. Things between me and Childe couldn't be better. In our spare time we'd talk, play games, or sometimes just sit together reading. Each of us deeply invested in our own books. A few times Childe took me out to eat, his treat of course. But for the time being things were going smoothly. I think we both were opening up to each other and I found it quite a curious thing.

I was quite sure the Childe had just about finished collecting his sigils. However he spoke of one more he needed. One that would put him in quite a predicament to get. I couldn't be too certain but I was pretty sure he mentioned that the last sigil he needed was being held captive by a certain patron of the Wangshu inn. I watched him come up with countless plans of how he would get the sigil and all of them becoming utter failures in his mind. I watched him loathe and sigh over this last sigil and it was a little painful to watch, considering the good friends we'd become. Perhaps I started to care for him.

Anyways, Childe had instructed Aether to make his return to Northland bank and there we waited. Certain that Aether would return at any time. We had been walking down from the suite into the main lobby of the bank when we heard the door open and not to our surprise it was Aether.

"Comrade! You've returned from meeting with the adepti." Childe exclaimed at the sight of Aether and Paimon.

"We sure have!" Paimon shouted excitedly proving to both of us that it had not been the easiest of journeys.

"This is great, and what news do you bring? Childe asked in such a joyous tone. However Aether's manner definitely did less than fit the mood.

"The adepti are worried for Liyue Harbor, they demand that the Qixing pay for the lack of clarity on Rex Lapis's death." Aether responded clearly less than thrilled.

It was then that a more than sinister smile popped up on Childe's face. "Good." He said more to himself than aloud. But being right next to him I still heard. The atmosphere in the room grew quite tense for a few seconds and not wanting Aether or his little floating friend to pick up on it, Childe made the sensible choice to change the subject.

"I believe there will be something known as a rite of parting and I want you two to find a man named Zhongli. If you truly want to get to the bottom of Rex Lapis's death you'll need to seek him out. Otherwise how else would you be able to see the exuxia that the Qixing hid from the public." Childe instructed the two.

"Paimon still doesn't trust this guy..." the talking pet spoke but was cut off again.

"Oh come on comrade, I have the same goals as you! I merely want to know what's happening around here." Childe replied much too unsuspecting.

"Okay. We'll set out to find this Zhongli guy." Aether spoke up, clearly wanting to take the stage away from Paimon. Probably before she slipped up and said something too, well, secretive.

After that Childe and I watched Aether and Paimon exit the lobby of Northland bank and it was then when Childe sighed and faced me as if waiting patiently for me to say something about his obvious deception of the two. Well, what Childe didn't know is I'm not as chivalrous as I look and I didn't really care what the fatui goals were or what they had to do with Rex Lapis. As long as they weren't killing anyone, or forcing families to destroy their hometowns, it was fine by me. I was even for some fatui goals even. But I'd never let Childe know.

"You sly devil, you're sending them on a wild goose chase aren't you!" I exclaimed and chuckled a bit smiling at Childe.

"Was it that obvious?" He asked smiling from cheek to cheek. "And here I was thinking you'd be mad at me. But I guess you're not as good as you look." Childe continued with a slight laugh.

"Oh be quiet, you should know how I am by now." I responded while rolling my eyes. Still smiling of course.

"I think I might have asthma (y/n), cause that just took my breath away." Childe joked and I couldn't help but laugh at his exaggerations.

"What kind of pick-up line was that?" I questioned sarcastically. Not expecting a response. But then I felt Childe moving closer to me. Then I felt a hand wrap around my waist.

"The kind I use on pretty girls who surprise me." Childe almost whispered into my ear. I couldn't help but laugh at his antics. But I guess I too was surprised. Childe had just called me pretty. Hmm, I thought. I didn't at all expect that response from him. Was he really flirting with me? AND I LAUGHED IT OFF! That was when I could feel my face heat up. Was I ready to have someone like him flirting with me? I bet he does this to everyone I thought while instinctually rolling my eyes. But I guess just then Childe had a lightbulb moment cause what happened next was something I had never suspected.

"(Y/n)!" Childe exclaimed. "I have an idea how we can get that last sigil!"

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