229. Torture Him Until He Tells Everything

Start from the beginning


“Hahaha!” A burst of laughter was heard, and then a man dressed in a guard’s outfit said disdainfully, “I thought the imperial family would be alert, but no so!”

Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu looked at each other before looking at the man. “Who are you?”

“The name is Yue Youshuang.” Yue Youshuang was the Fourth Prince of the Yue Empire!

Han Tingxuan narrowed his eyes. “We have no grudges with your country. We reached a consensus at the beginning of the year. What are you trying to do?”

“What am I doing? What is the big deal with the consensus? I make the entire Heaven Empire! My people! Kill all the officials and everyone. Leave no one alive! ”

A group of men in black suddenly appeared on Yue Youshuang’s order. Then, they raised their knives to cut at the officials! However, they were slow.

A thousand guards quickly surrounded the place.

Yue Youshuang’s face turned pale. He had come here to kill these people off guards, but he did not expect…

“Impossible! Even some of the guards outside had been knocked out.” Some were transferred.

Han Tingxuan smiled and stood up. “Do you think that you have everything under control just because you have controlled the guard commander of the guards? Do you think that the guard commander would drug his subordinates?”

Yue Youshuang’s eyes looked cold.

“Do you still think that as long as you are fast enough, you can kill us and leave without worries? Then, you can sneak into the residence of Duke Guanjing. You would be known as victims?”

“What does this have to do with Duke Guanjing?

“Are these people brought in by Duke Guanjing?”

“What does Duke Guanjing want to do? Does he want to rebel?”

“Duke Guanjing? How could it be Duke Guanjing? Isn’t he a member of the royal family? Why would he rebel?”

“It’s precisely because he is a relative to the royal family that he has an ambition.”


“What are you talking about? I don’t understand.” Yue Youshuang coldly looked at Han Tingxuan.

“Don’t you understand? Actually, I don’t understand what you’re talking about. You’re clearly not a prince of the Yue Empire. What do you pretend to be one?”

Yue Youshuang’s facial expression changed. “What the heck did you say? Why am I not Yue Youshuang?”

Han Tingxuan laughed. “We will know. Capture him.”

Next, there was a melee. In this ‘chaos’, several officials who “failed to avoid” were killed, including their children.

Among them were a vice minister of the Punishment Department and his she-man.

There were also a few other officials on Duke Guanjing’s side had died in the midst of ‘chaos’.

Han Tingxuan did not plan to kill them. Even though he was prepared for this and knew that there were several people in the guards who had been controlled, his plan was to capture and not kill them.

However, when those people poisoned Lou Yanqing and the crown prince, they challenged his bottom line!

That was right. Those people even attacked the crown prince. On the way Mo Yanzhi came to the banquet with the crown prince and princess, a mad guard rushed over and tried to assassinate them.

Obviously, that mad guard was under control.

The secret guards stopped that mad guard from doing any harm.

But what if the persons holding the children were not secret guards but servants who didn’t know martial arts? Or Lou Yanqing, or nannies?

This crazy guard might have done some harm.

So, these people really challenged his bottom line. Let’s see who was the tougher one.

None of the entire plot would live.

Many Kungfu fighters brought by the “Yue Youshuang” were killed by the royal warriors.

Finally, he couldn’t bear it anymore and shouted, “Stop! You can’t hurt me. I am… “After that, he did not finish his sentence because someone stabbed him behind.

“Yue Youshuang” turned his  head in disbelief. It was a top fighter he brought, but this person ended his life! How could this be?


The man’s eyes were calm and emotionless.

After the chaos ended, the officials were served another glass of wine, but this glass was the antidote.

Three days later. Heaven Prison.

Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu walked into a cell together.

There was a person locked in this cell, which was… Duke Guanjing.

Duke Guanjing was in a prison uniform and his hair was messed up. There were no wounds on his body. Only his face was a little strange. There was some scratches.

As Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu walked in, Duke Guanjing’s eyes darkened a little.

Han Tingxuan smiled and said. “As expected, you’re not Duke Guanjing. Where is the real Duke Guanjing?”

“He died twenty years ago. Now you know.” The fake Duke Guanjing smiled contemptuously.

Han Tingxuan narrowed his eyes. “Oh, he is dead. I thought you’d keep him to threaten us.”

Fake Duke Guanjing sneered and shut his eyes without saying anything else.

“You are from the Jin Dynasty, right?” Tian Yusu spoke.

Duke Guanjing suddenly opened his eyes and glared at Tian Yusu. “I don’t understand what you are saying.”

Tian Yusu leaned against the door. “You don’t understand? No, you do. You know it very well because the Jin Dynasty has started to scheme twenty years ago. You have a great ambition there. Apart from the Heavenly Empire, I am afraid that you also aim to get the Yue Empire, right? For example… their State Master?”

Finally, the fake Duke Guanjing was mortified. “What do you mean by that?”

Tian Yusu smiled. “Why do you look so surprised. Looks like you know what happened to the State Master.”

Han Tingxuan smiled and said, “Of course he knows. Maybe they’ve been in contact all these years. After all, they are colleagues. And they are both from Jin Dynasty… Is that so?”

Fake Duke Guanjing’s face stiffened. Then he closed his eyes and didn’t say anything.

Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu looked at each other. They had come here to test Fake Duke Guanjing. Now since they had already gotten the answer, they left.

Thus, the two of them left and ordered the people outside. “Torture him until he tells everything.”


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