Umbridge exhaled, then walked around her desk again and sat down in her chair.

"That's three more weeks, Miss Night." She said and gestured towards the chair opposite of the desk. "Sit."

"No." Esme stood up straight, refusing to let this woman torture her with some kind of branding.

Umbridge looked at her, awfully calm.


"No. Fuck you and fuck whatever you've got going on with this school." Esme turned around and marched out of the office, hurrying down the stairs.

She was breathing heavily, tears stinging her eyes and when she got outside, she let them fall.

She let her bag drop on the ground and then she ran. She ran towards the bridge, over it and off Hogwarts grounds.

She collapsed into the cold grass close to the bridge, a loud cry leaving her mouth.

Things were terrible at school. All of these new rules, Umbridge torturing students and no one being able to do a goddamn thing about it.

She felt helpless and stuck and she missed her mother more than ever.

It had been twenty months since the death of Yasmine Night and when Esme finally felt like she got better with the loss of her mother, something just made her break.

It was especially in times like these. When things were hard, she longed for her mother's arms around her, but she didn't have that.

Esme stayed on the ground for a long time, crying until George found her. She was completely breaking and he hated it.

Esme ended up getting suspended until after the holidays. David Night was contacted and told to come pick up his daughter who was waiting with her luggage in Umbridge's office.

As David walked through the door, his eyes landed on his daughter first, and then Umbridge.

"What is this? You're suspending my daughter?"

"Your daughter has been corrupting this school for the past week with her whoring ways and foul mouth."

Esme rolled her eyes.

"How dare you call my daughter a whore!" David raised his voice slightly as he put a hand in his daughter's shoulder. "Let's go, Esme."

Esme got up, grabbed her trunk and followed her father out of the office and through the castle, neither of them saying anything.

She felt ashamed that she had gotten suspended. The word had reached every student in the castle and there was now a rumour about Esme being a whore. They're saying she's slept with every guy from her own year and six year, at least twice.

A few have even gotten out and told them how she is in bed, even though she's never even talked to those guys.

This morning, Pansy Parkinson stood forward with a statement. "She even tried to get me into bed with her."

So now Esme was also a raging lesbian according to the people around school. Immature boys would yell the D-slur after her throughout the day so while she was ashamed because of the rumours, she was also very happy to be going home and away from school.

"I'm really sorry, dad." Esme's voice was quiet as her and David walked across the bridge to leave Hogwarts grounds.

David looked at her and paused to speak his next words.

"Don't apologise for nothing, sweetheart. Dolores is and always have been a miserable old hag."

David wrapped his arm around his sixteen-year-old daughter and apparated them both out of there.

When the world settled around them again, they were in front of their house home in Holyhead, Wales.

David walked up the small path to their house, opening the small gate in front of him and it shut behind him but then he realised that Esme wasn't following him.

"Is Ethan home?" She asked, and her father nodded.

When they got inside, Esme put her trunk down, undid her coat and put it on the wall.

She pushed off her shoes and while her father walked into the kitchen, Esme's eyes landed on the picture of her mum on the side table.

Like she always did, she put it down and then made her way upstairs and to Ethan's room.

She knocked, heard him call from the other side and when she opened the door, he offered her a smile, telling her that he knew about the suspension.

Ethan stood by the window and had been in the middle of taking down some old posters from his wall.

"What's up troublemaker?" He asked in a joking tone, loving that his sister who was such a prude sometimes, had been suspended.

When she didn't answer, he looked at her and he barely got to, before she hurried over and wrapped her arms around him.

She had almost knocked him over but he regained balance and hugged her back.

Esme let out a sigh.

"I've missed you."

Blue moon ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now