The first meet

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Stay poise, Louis.

Back straight, chest upwards, nose in the air, eyes forward, chin held high, Stance confident and graceful.

You are an omega and act like one, Louis!

You're here to show your position not to seduce The alphas.

Louis could feel his mother's voice rolling around like wheels in his head, years of discreetly being pinched in the back, the haunting of blue eyes staring at him in a judgemental way had made him the omega he is now.

Poise, confident, perfect and beautiful.

"Ah Mr.Tomlinson, what a perfect surprise." Ugh not him again!

"Hello to you too Mr.Curtis. I'm sure it's not a surprise since this is the annual Award party after all." He says with his million dollar smile which—fake.

Because if Louis hates someone more than his own mother—may she rest in peace and have fun with the devils in hell— he hates this man, this particular alpha, Rowen Curtis. The actual bane of Louis' existence,

He's been behind him for years, and by years Louis means when he was eighteen and Rowen forty eight, and now when Louis is twenty five that man is almost close to sixty. He's been up for courting Louis since a long time and after his first proposal Rowen had recently married a younger omega and Louis was glad that he found someone despite feeling sorry for the other omega who got an alpha like this pedophile.

"Mila was a good woman. And an omega." Louis simply stares, his arms were twitching to just cross them over his chest in the most unlikely omega way but it's simply just a week of his mother passing away and he's so not in the mood to have her back in the form of a ghost and haunt him, so he stands as gracefully as he can with a flute of champagne in his delicate hands.

"You are an omega too, Louis." Louis controlled the shiver urging in his body at the way his name, his beautiful name was being pronounced—in the most vile way. "I'm definitely aware of that, Mr.Curtis."

"And your mother died, this is exactly what happens to omega that are touch starved, every omega needs an alpha in their lives and so do you, sweetheart."

"My mother died of cancer, lung cancer to be quite specific. Not because of touch starvation, she died because her cancer grew." He almost snarls but keeps his voice at bay as to not draw attention, even though he likes that very much, there's a difference between attention that causes scandals and attention that causes you to become famous.

"Oh but you'll die of touch starvation. Still unmated I see yeah? No mark on that neck of yours." He says eyeing Louis' naked neck and Louis had the strongest urge to cover it with his hand but that would give satisfaction to this bastard that he's affecting him which Louis doesn't want to give.

"I can die however I want to, Mr.Curtis. Besides, I have an alpha, didn't you know that? Oh wait you can't because we haven't been out yet." He says sounding seriously apologetic which he is anything but. He's an actor and that's what he's doing.

"Really, show me this unnamed alp—"

"Li!" He yells loudly and see his best friend's alpha looking at him with wide puppy eyes before smiling in relief as he walks towards Louis,

"This..." Louis starts grabbing onto Liam's bicep and pulling him closer, "Right here is the love of my life. My boyfriend, Liam Payne. Darling, meet Mr.Curtis." Liam looks at Louis with suspicion before playing along,

"When did this happened?" Rowen asks voice filled with fury and Louis had to hid his smirk when Liam answered with a, "Two years ago. We haven't mated yet but we will soon, now if you excuse us my omega and I would like to meet some of our friends."

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