Chapter 14

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Since that party, Sana trying not to over thinking about what she saw between Mina and Tzuyu in the balcony. She thought or more like she hopes, it just was Mina trying to be friendly. Besides, she's the one who told her to do that.

But Sana cant't help it. She feels suspicious. Since that day, those two always acting weird around her. Everytime she met Tzuyu, during a lunch time or while hang out with the others, he always looked at her non stop. It makes her nervous b'coz ussally she's the one who doing that. And when she asked him about that, he didn't answered instead he asked back He asked her did Mina told or do something to you?.

While with Mina, whenever they are alone, she always asked her have you met Tzuyu today?. Not to mention, lately Mina has been busy with her phone doing whatever it is that only God knows.

What's wrong with them?

" Can you do it, Sana? "

Damn. I forgot I still on the group call " What, what can i do? "

" Are you not listening? "

Sana flinched. Nayeon's voice is too load. She had to put her phone away to save her eardrum " Geez Nayeon.. You almost defeaned my ear. "

" Momo just asked if tomorrow you have a time to accompany her to meet the dean? We all have a time, Nayeon even changed her consultation schedule with her proffesor " Jeongyeon said and Jihyo quickly added " Yeah.. Besides I heard from the commitee, the dean is looking for a replacement who will replace the dance club appearance. So we have to be fast if we want Mom to still perform"

" Of course I have a time. Don't worry Momo, you can do it. We will help you. We'll do whatever it takes to get the dean permission so you can have still perform "

" Yeah you're right Sana. we'll do anything, if neccessary you can also let out your best weapon which is your flirty behaviour " Nayeon rebutt in while mocking Sana.

" Thank you.. I owe you guys "

" Don't mention it Momo. That's what friends are for. And before I forget, Sana please tell your sister that the dean wants to meet her tomorrow mornng "

" What for ? And wht don't you tell her youself. You're her classmate Jihyo "

" I don't know. Ms. Jang asked me for help earlier, but because Mina and I in differnt practicum class, I didn't meet her and I don't have her number either "

" Okay I will tell her. Then see you tomorrow guys.. Bye "

After hanging up the call, Sana get out of the bed and left her room looking for Mina. She went to her room but didn't find her there.

Where is she. Oh.. I think I know.

Sana know for sure, apart from her room, Mina also likes to be in the pool lounge. So she walked towards there.

And her guees was right, she saw Mina sitting in the lounge with some books around her while busy typing on her phone.

" Mina.. " She called the younger.

" Hmmm " Mina replied

Why she doesn't looked at me.

" Mina "

" Hmm "

So.. you don't want to looked at me, huh?

" MINA !! "

" What is it Sana ? "

" I have called you several times " Sana pouted as she throwing her body on the chair in front of Mina.

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