Chapter 39: Final Goodbyes

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It was a sunny Saturday and Harry was in the study at Potter Manor, working on answering a letter from a concerned parent. Neville and Luna were on weekend duty at Hogwarts (they alternated to make sure there was always a headmaster or headmistress on the grounds), and Hermione was playing wizard chess with Griphook. It was early October, and leaves were blowing outside and scratching against the windows.

"Harry, could you come here?" He looked up to see his mother calling him from her canvas. After moving to Potter Manor Harry had removed all the painting in the study and replaced them with his folks, Sirius, Aunt Joan, Potter Manor and Godric's Hollow, and his grandparents. He smiled at her and walked over.

His mum and dad were sharing a canvas, holding each other, and Sirius and Aunt Joan were doing the same. "Darling, it's time for us to go back." Lily said softly, tears shining in her eyes.

"Back?" Harry cried out in bewilderment. He stared at the four of them. "But I thought you would, I mean, I didn't know…"

"We didn't know either, son" his father spoke sadly. "Not to sound cliché, but our work here is done. We were given a special gift of spending time with you, but it's time for us to return."

"Don't fret, cub" Sirius smiled, an arm draped over Aunt Joan's shoulder. "You will still have our wizard portraits; it's just that our souls need to go back where they belong."

Aunt Joan smiled, her face radiant and expectant. "I've spent too long on earth. I know now that I was waiting for Sirius. I'm ready to go."

James looked over Harry's shoulder at the Goblin and daughter-in-law who were sitting with stunned expressions on their faces. "Thank you, Griphook, for being a father to Harry, and giving him the training I couldn't."

Lily joined in "and thank you for giving him the hugs we can't. Hermione – thank you for everything – for Godric's Hollow, for being the perfect wife for my son."

Tears were flowing freely now. "Mum, Dad, Sirius – I'll miss you! I, I don't want you to go." He grabbed the edges of his parent's frame, as if he could stop what was happening.

"We love you Harry. We will see you again in the future." The three portraits blew kisses while Aunt Joan waved gratefully. Then the figures walked back to their proper frames, and stopped moving for a moment. Harry jerked his head back and forth in panic, while Hermione and Griphook came and held his hands.

The figures vibrated slightly, and then moved again as normal. But they were gone – the souls of his parents and god father. The portraits still moved and spoke, but they were never quite the same. Harry missed them deeply, but he didn't mourn too much. He knew they were all right.


The Founders had been in office about a month when they decided to visit Moaning Myrtle one night after curfew. Harry felt a bit guilty for not visiting very often, as she had been a huge help to him in his 2nd and 4th years.

They walked into the girl's bathroom, after checking with Hogwarts to make sure it was empty, and locked the door behind them. "Myrtle, are you here?" Hermione called out.

The ghost of the weepy girl flew out from her favorite stall. "What do you want? She asked in her most annoying manner. She spied Harry in the group and changed her attitude immediately. "Oh, it's you Harry!"

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